Long Live the 1381 Peasants' Revolt!

St Albans Abbey: Main-Gate! (28.5.2024)

During 1381 – England came within a hair’s breadth of becoming a People’s Republic! This great effort led by Wat Tyler was eventually defeated through the duplicity of the ruling classes – but its example echoes down through history! The beginnings of this gate stem from the 11th century and the consolidation of the Norman Conquest. This was when Roman Catholicism landed in England as part of the ruling government structure. Prior to this, Celtic Christianity (probably from Egypt) held sway in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. What Catholic presence there was prior to 1066 CE was piece-meal and generally lacked any real political power or influence. The differwence between these two forms of Christianity is that although both possessed a monastic tradition – the Celtic version saw the monastery (not the Church) as the centre of society. Furthermore, the Celtic version possessed a tolerant attitude toward non-Christian beliefs – a position rejected by the Catholic variant. With the coming of the politically empowered Catholic Church – Celtic Christianity was all but wiped-out by the 12th century.

St Albans Abbey was Once the Greatest in the UK!

St Albans Cathedral: WWI – The Verdun Tree! (27.5.2024)

Not mentioned in this bourgeois memorial is the fact that widespread “Socialist” uprisings spread throughout the French Army due to the callous attitudes of the French Generals. Research shows that around 7000 Frenchmen were arrested and Courts Marshalled – with 629 being sentenced to death by firing-squad (49 of these executions were eventually carried-out). Many Frenchmen were acting in sympathy with their Russian Allies – the soldiers of whom were participating in the 1917 Socialist Revolution! This is a clear example of the bourgeois censorship of history which only partly informs the masses about the reality of their own history! The British mass murder of the Battle of the Somme soon followed Verdun – where the bourgeoisie demonstrated to the working-class that the middle-class still controlled society – which led to 60,000 British casualties in the first 20-minutes!