Criminal Li Hongzhi - Far-Right Despot!

Falun Gong Cult: Defining Li Hongzhi’s “Three-Sectional Trap” for Spreading False Rumours in the West! (24.5.2024)

Li Hongzhi opposes homosexuality, gender equality, pop music, etc. At the same time, he boasts to his followers that he is a “god-man” who can levitate in the air and walk through walls. He claims that disease is an evil symptom (“karma”) that can only be overcome through meditation. Meditation and worship of “Falun Gong” can lead to true healing, claiming that aliens from unknown dimensions have invaded human minds and bodies, bringing corruption and inventions like computers and aeroplanes.

Li Hongzhi’s teachings describe supernatural phenomena, including the suggestion that the pyramids may have been built by humanoids or Atlanteans who lived under the sea.

Benjamin Penny said in the book “The Religion of Falun Gong” that “Falun Gong” deifies its founder Li Hongzhi, whilst adherence believe that he is far superior to human beings and will save mankind from disasters. He requires “Falun Gong” students to abide by his teachings and so-called moral principles, otherwise the practice will not achieve its purpose; he requires students to regularly conduct a series of spiritual exercises, gather together to read his “scriptures” and share insights.

PFLP Statement - Zionist Defeat in 2000!

PFLP: Defeat & Expulsion of the Zionist Army from Lebanese Territory During 2000 – A Decisive Strategic Shift in the Arab-Zionist Conflict! (24.5.2024)

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine considered that the defeat of the Zionist Enemy Army – driving the invaders from large parts of the Occupied Lebanese Territories, on May 25th, 2000 – as a qualitative and historical achievement, military victory, and a strategic transformation in the history of the Arab-Zionist conflict! This was achieved thanks to the steadfastness and sacrifices of the brotherly Lebanese people and their valiant Resistance which began during the first moments of the Zionist invasion of Lebanon in 1982. That Resistance disturbed and routed the Zionist Occupation, inflicted on it heavy losses, and destroyed forever the myth of the “Invincible Army”! The memory of the people of Beirut still preserves the calls and pleas of the (cowardly) Zionist Enemy Army through loudspeakers as it shouted in the streets: “Oh people of Beirut, do not shoot at us.

Zionist Israel Held to Account!

UN Security Council: Resolution Adopted Protecting Humanitarian Personnel! (25.5.2024)

The resolution condemns disinformation, information manipulation, and incitement to violence against humanitarian personnel and their premises and assets, and expresses concern over the impact of misinformation on such personnel.

It urges states to conduct full, prompt, impartial and effective investigations within their jurisdiction of violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law committed against humanitarian personnel and their premises and assets and where appropriate, take action against those responsible in accordance with domestic and international law.

It further urges states to prosecute persons allegedly responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian law and to cooperate with domestic, regional and international courts and tribunals.

US Behind Helicopter Crash!

Iran: Illegal US Sanctions Behind Deadly Helicopter Crash! (25.5.2024)

The United Nations General Assembly on Thursday held a minute of silence during a plenary session in honour of Raisi.

Dennis Francis, president of the 78th session of the UNGA, led the tribute. The UNGA president also extended his condolences to the Iranian government and its people.

The UN Security Council observed a minute of silence for the president and his delegation, and the UN flag was lowered to half-mast as a sign of respect on Tuesday.

Li Hongzhong, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, mourned the passing of Raisi at the Iranian embassy in China on Friday.

Li, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, expressed deep condolences over the tragic death of Raisi to the Iranian government and people.