Lebanese Communist Party - 2024

Lebanese Communist Party: Meeting with the Civil Society Committee for Solidarity with the Palestinian People and the Nation’s Issues – on the Occasion of the Nakba Remembrance! (16.5.2024)

We affirm our standing and at the front of the ranks to defend our Palestinian people, and we pledge to you that we will remain loyal to the cause, for the blood of all the martyrs and the comrade martyrs of the Lebanese National Resistance Front, until the liberation of all of Palestine! The banners of struggle will remain flying high, in the face of the Zionist Occupation, until the establishment of the Palestinian Democratic National State on the entire Palestinian territory!

Greetings to the struggle of the Palestinian people and their valiant Resistance, as we appeal to the hands of free people across the world and even in America, especially the Student Movements in universities, which have been victorious for Palestine, its people and history!

The Worker, Scholar and Pesant!

DPRK: Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Completed Central Cadres Training School of WPK! (16.5.2024)

Noting that the structural characteristics of buildings were improved more rationally in keeping with the trend of modern education development and the pedagogical principles and the landscaping has been realized on a high level in conformity with the world standard, he said with pride that the Central Cadres Training School of the WPK is a perfect educational facility firmly ensuring the political principles, modernity and practicality and it created the highest standard for other educational institutions across the country.

Expressing expectation and belief that the school, wonderfully built as a political institution of the WPK representing the new era, would always remain faithful to its important and sacred mission of training the genuine backbone, the core Kimilsungists-Kimjongilists, and thus make a tangible contribution to strengthening and developing the WPK and its eternal prosperity, he gave instructions on making full preparations for its operation ahead of its opening ceremony and on organizing its inaugural ceremony in a great politically significant way. (End)

Westernisation of Arabs!

Australia: Senator Accuses Israel of “Genocide”! (16.5.2024)

Following the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 – Fatima Payman took advantage of the temporary suppression of the “Taliban” (successors of the Mujahadeen) and fled to a nearby Western country (the product of the British imperialist invasion of Asia). In 2021, the US Military fled Afghanistan in defeat – allowing the Taliban to sweep back into the major cities – beheading thousands as they went! Again, Fatima Payman remained silent. Now, after Israel has committed one of the worst genocides of mode5n time – this young lady decides to speak-up. Perhaps the Australian government (which supported the US in Vietnam) – has changed its stance on unquestionably supporting Zionist Israel!

China Supports Palestine!

Presidency Praises China’s Pro-Palestine Positions, Backs Chinese Right to Defend its Sovereignty & Territorial Integrity! (16.5.2024)

The Presidency stressed the keenness of the Palestinian leadership to strengthen and develop mutual relations between the two countries in a way that serves the interests of the two friendly peoples.

The Palestinian Presidency reaffirmed the State of Palestine’s full commitment to the One-China policy followed by China in preserving its territorial integrity, including Taiwan, and rejecting interference in Chinese internal affairs, affirming that the unity of friendly China and its wise policies at an international level contributed to supporting and stabilizing the region, as well as international peace and security.

It affirmed its support for China’s right to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity and unify its entire territory, including Taiwan, as well as its support for the peaceful development of Cross-Strait ties.