Workers' Party of Korea Loves the People!

DPRK: Grandmother Chae Sun Nam [채순남] Reaches 100-Years Old! (14.5.2024)

Chae expressed deep thanks to Kim Jong Un after receiving the birthday spread amid the congratulations of officials of the Wiwon County Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, family members, relatives and villagers.

She underwent the sorrow of a stateless nation before the liberation of Korea. She came to enjoy a happy life under the care of the Party which built a genuine people’s country and has pursued the politics of love for the people.

She worked hard by cultivating land with a single mind to repay the Party’s benevolence with increased grain production and had done good things for the country even after becoming a pensioner.

Saying that she is spending the rest of her life in good health under the people-oriented policies of the Party and the state, she asked her descendants to do more work for the country. (End)

Hong Kong is an Integral Part of China!

Great Britain: China Embassy Condemns UK’s False Accusations Against HKSAR government! (14.5.2024)

The Chinese government remains firmly resolved in fighting anti-China elements seeking to disrupt Hong Kong and in upholding the stability and prosperity of the region. The UK’s harbouring of wanted criminals tramples on the rule of law and leads nowhere, it said.

“We urge the UK side to immediately correct its wrongdoing, stop spreading the so-called ‘China threat theory,’ end all forms of political manipulation against China, and ensure all the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens in the UK,” it said.

Any political trick to divert public attention and cover up its own serious problems by smearing China is doomed to failure, and any move to interfere in China’s internal affairs and undermine China’s interests will be met with a firm response, said the statement.

“The UK side must not go further down the wrong path of jeopardizing China-UK relations,” it added.