No Historical Evidence of Jewish Enslavement!

Biblical Origin of Judaic Racism & Militarism! (11.5.2024)

Despite the Catholic compilers of this learned edition of the Bible attempting to justify and placate the inherent violence and ignorance inherent in this text – there is NO objective historical evidence that Judaism existed much before 500 BCE – or that the followers of this originally “polytheistic” religion possessed any significant numbers or were ever held captive in Babylon or Egypt! What texts such as the above have done in the past is served to justify the racist ideology of contemporary “Zionism” – declared by the UN in 1975 as a form of “White Supremacy”.

O'Brien Trot 2024

Book Review: James O’Brien’s “How They Broke Britain”! (11.5.2024)

A similar distorting pattern can be found in his relentless pro-EU propaganda (a distortion which omits entirely the EU’s “US-inspired” history of manipulation) is thoroughly condescending (ignoring as he does the left-wing opposition to the EU) – whilst his hatchet-job on Jeremy Corbyn seems to be the entire purpose of the book (according to O’Brien, “Zionism” is inherently “good” – and to oppose this UN-recognised form of fascism is “anti-Semitic”, etc) – camouflaged as it is (from both sides) by his “displeasure” with atypical Tory figures (many of these individuals being “non-White” – but with O’Brien careful NOT to be seen as singling them out) he choses to include in his diatribe. O’Brien has plenty to say about David Cameron – but remains “silent” about the UN-recognised killing of at least 120,000 British people with Disabilities (between 2010-2016) – by the “Coalition” of rabid Tories and LibDems! This rate of attrition was achieved (and is still being achieved) through the auspices of ruthless and permanent Tory cuts in the Welfare State, Social Services and National Health Services.

Palestine Wins UN Vote!

UN: General Assembly Backs Palestinian Bid for UN Membership! (11.5.2024)

UNITED NATIONS, May 10 (Xinhua) — The UN General Assembly (UNGA) on Friday adopted a resolution supporting the Palestinian bid to become a full UN member by recognizing it as qualified to join and recommending that the Security Council “reconsider the matter favourably.”

The resolution was adopted with 143 votes in favor and nine against, including the United States and Israel, while 25 countries abstained. China voted for the resolution.

The resolution states, “The State of Palestine… should therefore be admitted to membership” and “recommends that the Security Council reconsider the matter favourably.”

The resolution “determines” that a State of Palestine is qualified for membership – dropping the original language that in the UN General Assembly’s judgment it is “a peace-loving state.” It therefore recommends that the Security Council reconsider its request “favourably.”