Victory Parade - Harbin!

Tatyana Breus (Татьяна Бреус) – End of WW II: Soviet Red Army Enters China & Korea – Defeating Imperial Japan! (10.5.2024)

In May 1947, September 3rd became a working day, although no one formally cancelled the holiday. And on December 23rd, May 9th also became a working day (the day off was moved to January 1st). And until 1965, there were no big celebrations on the occasion of the two days of victory in the USSR: everything was limited to fireworks and unofficial celebrations. When in 1965 – the year of the 20th Anniversary of the Victory – the country celebrated this holiday on a nationwide scale for the first time after the Great Patriotic War, they no longer remembered the second day of the Victory (Over Japan). It found itself in the shadow of the Victory Over Germany, although formally on May 9th all Veterans were honoured: both those who fought in the West and those who fought in the Far East. And over time, May 9th began to personify the Soviet Victory in World War II in general, and almost no one remembered the September date. And if, nevertheless, there was talk about Victory Over Japan, then only September 2nd was mentioned – as the day of Japanese Surrender.

Anti-Zionism is Anti-Fascism!

Thousands of Columbia University Alumni Pledge to Withhold All Contributions to School Until Pro-Palestinian Student Demands Are Met!

“I sign because my Jewish values of inquiry, empathy and moral courage compel me to,” said an alumna of CC ’03 and CLS ’10 who grew up in both New York and Jerusalem. “These values were nurtured in Columbia classrooms, and I know other Columbia students share them. Until my university can conduct itself in accordance with those values internally, within its communities, and around the world, it does not deserve my esteem, much less contributions of my time, money or skills.”

The alumni letter follows the University’s unprecedented aggressive actions against pro-Palestine student protesters, including suspensions and expulsion processes with inadequate due process.