The Pharaoh of Egypt Fell Victim to Abram's Rather "Loose" Concept of Morality!

Torah (Old Testament) – When Abram “Pimped” His Wife in Egypt! (31.3.2024)

On the face of it, this is an extraordinarily mercenary attitude for Abram to adopt – to say nothing of its racist (anti-Egyptian) and misogynistic (anti-Sarai) implications. Abram cares only about his own well-being and self-aggrandisement – and he will do anything to materially enrich his situation – even prostituting his wife to be used by the Pharaoh for profit! The Jewish authors seem to be siding with Abram and accusing the Pharaoh of acting inappropriately. An interesting question is “why” is this Jewish criminality (which occurs in other parts of the Bible) treated with such a casual and inattentive manner? Following the law and customs of other countries is a duty to all people and a mark of human civilisation – just as non-Jews are expected to show respect for Jewish traditions, attitudes and conventions.

Buddha Light

Paignton: Meeting the “Waveman”! (31.3.2024)

Zionist War Criminals in Tel Aviv are no different to the warmongers in Washington or thr unelected BJP Junta currently running the UK! The Palestinians are suffering and dying due to the vicious ideology of a racially-based “Zionism” which has historically pursued the absurdity that one (White) group of theistic religionists are spiritually and physically superior to everyone else! If Israel was not serving the function of destabilising the Middle East for the US – the UN would be blanket-bombing Tel Aviv as I write! It is the socio-economic ideology of predatory capitalism that is causing all this suffering and which is the enemy of us all!