碧霞元君 - Bi Xia Yuan Jun - Goddess of childbirth!

Daoism: Ming Dynasty Stone Inscription Discovered in North China! (27.3.2024)

The inscription discussed contains the name of the above Temple – plus the additional characters of – Miao (庙) = Temple and Ji (记) = Records – the full name of the inscription is “碧霞元君庙记”. This female Daoist Deity is associated with Mount Tai (泰山 – Tai Shan) situated in Shandong province – and is regarded as a protector of childbirth, and the instigator of each new dawn (which brings hope and renewal), as well as the good destiny of others. This Goddess governs human longevity and is said to judge the deceased. Interestingly, this Goddess listens to the prayers of children in distress – especially male children (sometimes ensuring male offspring) – but she never abandons the well-being of girls and women.