King Charles - Who Never Died Today!

UK: Demise of “King Charles III” Story Fabricated to Obscure Putin’s Successful Re-Election Win! (19.3.2024)

Today, March 18th, 2024, a number of media outlets and Telegram channels reported that 75-year-old King Charles III died in Great Britain. The publications were accompanied by a screenshot of an allegedly official statement from Buckingham Palace – which although believed to have originated in the UK – has turned out to be fake.

Among those who published information were Russian-language Telegram channels, as well as Telegram channels of the Kazakh media, such as Atameken Business, Bes Media and TengriNews. At the same time, these outlets emphasized that there was no official information about the death of the monarch.

Later, Buckingham Palace denied this information, noting that “the king continues to perform work duties and engage in private affairs.” And the British Embassy in Russia called this information fake.

Holding Hands Does Not Suggest Intimacy!

Beijing: “China and Russia NOT Allies” – Top Russian Academic Confirms! (19.3.2024)

Alexander Dynkin, president of the Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said trust and mutual understanding between the two leaders facilitate mutual support on the most important security and development issues between China and Russia.

“Russia-China relations have become a factor of global stability and a true example of a relationship between two major countries. Russia and China are not allies, but they trust each other more than average participants of Western formal alliances,” Dynkin said.

PFPL Statement - Shifa

Lebanon: Storming of Shifa Medical Complex – Zionist Brutality Exceeds Crimes of Nazi Germany! (19.3.2024)

The Front stressed that the origins of this cowardly crime is not borne by the Zionists alone, but by the United States of America and the international community, who continue to give the Occupation a green light to continue committing these unprecedented atrocities. Never in any conflict in the world have hospitals and medical centres been targeted with such deliberate brutality, criminality and destruction – which has included the systematic killing of doctors and patients alike.