PFLP Discuss Ongoing Zionist Violence!

Lebanon: Department of Refugee Affairs and Right of Return – Zionist Dismantling of UNRWA! (17.3.2024)

For his part, Brother Ali Huwaidi spoke about the UNRWA centre being targeted, especially after the 7th of October, pointing out that UNRWA is currently undergoing an intense dismantling process due to the transition of its work from development to relief, in the context of removing the name refugee as a prelude to ending the refugee issue and the right of return.

Huwaidi added that the dismantling process comes in the context of demonizing UNRWA through lies and allegations published by the Zionist organization claiming the existence of permanent coordination between some UNRWA employees and the Palestinian resistance, especially Hamas, stressing that until this moment there is no proof of these allegations.

Accompanied by Pak Jong Chon, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the WPK.

DPRK: Kim Jong Un Guides Training of KPA Paratroopers! (17.3.2024)

Transport aircraft carrying the airborne troops appeared in the sky above the training ground and the paratroopers showered down on a simulated enemy position.

The airborne soldiers, who have steadily developed their indomitable combat capability with loyalty and patriotism through their arduous and demanding training, true to the training-first policy of the WPK, put the simulated operation zone under control at once with matchless courage and mettle, fully demonstrating their perfect combat capability to occupy the enemy region at a stroke once an order is issued.