Marching Smartly!

Qing Dynasty: When the Last Chinese Imperial Ship Visited the West! (11.3.2024)

Afterwards, the U.S. Navy repeatedly invited the Qing Dynasty Fleet to visit the United States as a show of friendship. Therefore, on April 11th, 1911, Cheng Biguang (程璧光), the Commander of the “Hai Qi Hao” was ordered to weigh anchor in Shanghai on April 21st – and set sail to the United Kingdom, (thousands of miles away), to attend the Coronation of King George V – and then cross the Atlantic to visit New York, USA. The Baiyang Navy – at the end of the Qing Dynasty – was extremely modernized. The uniforms, Ceremonial Guards, and drill methods of the soldiers were all adopted from the West (specifically the UK). The Officers and soldiers of the “Hai Qi Hao” also cut off their Manchu braided poney-tails – officially integrating with the (modern) Western Navy.

Qi Ying Hao - Qing Dynasty Ship - 1848

China: Qing Dynasty Ship – “Qi Ying Hao” [耆英号] – First Modern Chinese Vessel to Visit the West – and Never to Return! (11.3.2024)

The purpose of the “Qi Ying Hao” voyage is not very clear – based upon the extant information available. Certain information suggests that the driving force behind the scenes was a British business group. These investment capitalists intended to have a Chinese sailing ship sail around the Cape of Good Hope – and then sail to the United Kingdom – as a symbolic gift for Queen Victoria!

According to researchers, the “Qi Ying Hao” was secretly sold to the British in August of 1846, because at that time China had legal restrictions that prohibited the sale of ships to foreigners. In order to keep it secret, all the British people changed into Chinese clothes and a Chinese person was temporarily appointed as the Captain. He also used the ship as his personal yacht – and sailed the boat from Guangzhou to Hong Kong.

Facts About the Americas! (11.3.2024)

This re-forestation caused a mini-ice age across Europe which was felt in the UK during the early 1800s (recorded as “festive events” eventually featured upon Christmas Cards depicting frozen rivers, snowy landscapes, smiling snowmen and children sledging, etc). These events are still remembered to this day a good thing on UK Xmas cards – with no knowledge as to ‘why’ this happened. Of course, overtime, and with the arrival of more Europeans – this subsumed land was re-cleared of its foliage (to accommodate this further “White” settlement) causing the climate to readjust – relieving the mini-age ice. The Americas are not just the post-1865 CE ‘Federal’ Association of the ‘United States’ that currently occupy a large part of North of America.