No So Much Spiders From Mars - But Bullshit from Prague!

Czech Republic in Space: How Jaroslav Kalfař Falsified History! (8.3.2024)

This book mimics the ’Socialist’ science fiction works of the Polish (genius) Stanislav Lem – whilst rejecting the ‘Socialist’ progression his work represents. Both the book and the film lull the audience into a false ‘Socialist’ accepting paradigm – space is conquered through Socialist Science – but then bursts this bubble by having the Czech Cosmonaut ‘advertise’ a cleaning agent “live” from his Space Capsule! Capitalist and exploitative through and through – but it gets far worse. The father of the Cosmonaut is described as an ‘Informant’ of the Communist Party (rather than a ‘defender of the people’ – what he really was)! The father is punished, his son (the Cosmonaut) is punished – as are various other members of his family – but by whom? Supposedly by the masses of the Czech Republic – masses who were members of the Communist Party and benefitted directly from its egalitarian policies!

Computer Interface with Brain!

China: Brain-Computer Interface Assists Paralyzed Patients Regain Mobility! (8.3.2024)

Another 35-year-old paralyzed patient underwent surgery in December 2023 and can control cursor movements with his mind after two months rehabilitation.

The implantable device, called Neural Electronic Opportunity (NEO) is about the size of a coin and employs near-field wireless power supply and signal transmission, thus making the internal machine implanted in the skull battery-free, expert introduced.

Experts explained that brain-computer interfaces are divided into three categories: non-invasive, invasive and semi-invasive. The minimally invasive, wireless brain-machine interface project initiated by Tsinghua University will not damage brain tissue, averting inflammation, scarring and other adverse conditions.

Internationalism is the Essence of Wwomens' Right!

Dzud (Frozen): Mongolia & China Celebrate International Women’s Day! (8.3.2024)

“Women hold up half the sky in poverty alleviation. In fact, women hold up half the sky in every one of our families and in every sphere of society, especially in Mongolia,” Chinese Ambassador to Mongolia Shen Minjuan said at the reception.

Shen expressed her hope that in the Year of the Dragon, which symbolizes auspiciousness, all women will enjoy good health and happiness, and bilateral relations will see greater development.