Trotsky's Insanity!

Trotsky’s Ridiculous Idea – “Fascism as the Highest Form of Capitalism”! (27.1.2024)

Stalin did not create the Soviet State – but was rather the product of historical materialism mediated by a Marxist-Engels dialectic. Stalin did not create the Soiet State – the Soviet State created Stalin – whilst Stalin carefully and expertly developed the dialectical forces unleashed by Lenin and his Bolsheviks. Trotsky wanted to turn the historical clock backwards and wipe-out all of the USSR’s development under Stalin so that capitalism could re-emerge throughout the USSR as a means to placate the International Fascist countries of Germany, Italy and Japan.

Right Wing Resistance - 2024

Australia Day: Prime Minister Condemns “Neo-Nazi Activity” in Sydney! (27.1.2024)

The NSW Police Force announced on Friday that six among the group of approximately 61 heavily disguised people were arrested and taken to the police station following a police operation, and a further 55 men were issued Rail Infringement Notices for offensive behaviour.

Two men had since been released and issued infringement notices for offensive behavior, the police added.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reported that these people were wearing all black, including balaclavas, and they produced a banner referencing a neo-Nazi group.

Albanese said he was shocked by the number of people. “We have seen a rise in neo-Nazi activity on extreme right-wing activity,” he added.

Held every year on Jan. 26, Australia Day marks the anniversary of the 1788 landing of the British First Fleet in the country.

ICJ Betrays Palestine in Two Ways!

Lebanon: PFLP Welcomes Main Text of ICJ Decision – Initiated by South Africa! (27.1.2024)

The Zionist Occupation is exterminating the Palestinian people – supported by the imperialist powers that have violated the land of the Palestinians. The PFLP concluded its statement by stressing that the struggle is long, which requires the prosecution of the leaders of the Occupation – and its partners in America, Britain (and other places) for their heinous crimes! This invitation submitted by South Africa constitutes a step on the path to achieving this goal – although the main battle today is still confronting the Palestinian people. The Zionists are still perpetuating genocide, massacres, injustice, and brutality against the Palestinian people who require the immediate support of all Arab nations, and the free people of the world. This will counter the complicity (and inaction) of the international system, and its blatant bias towards the Zionist Occupation.

Zionist Genocide Continues!

Palestine: Israel Responds to UN “Genocide” Ruling with MORE “Genocide”! (27.1.2024)

Earlier today, two people were killed and others were wounded when Israeli fighter jets struck a house in the Al-Geneina neighbourhood, east of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

 Furthermore, at least 28 civilians also were killed and others were injured as a result of the ongoing Israeli shelling of the city of Khan Younis.

The death toll in the Gaza Strip since the start of the aggression on October 7 has claimed the lives of approximately 26, 000, with nearly 63,740 others injured, the majority of whom are women and children. Additionally, thousands of people are reported missing.