Nauru & PRC Friends!

China & Nauru Resume Diplomatic Relations! (24.1.2024)

Wang stressed that the resumption of diplomatic ties between China and Nauru once again shows to the world that adherence to the one-China principle is an irresistible historical trend.

Wang pointed out that there are still a very few countries that maintain so-called “diplomatic relations” with Taiwan for various reasons, which not only goes against the interests of their own countries and their people, but also violates the UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 and infringes on China’s national sovereignty. Such practices should be corrected sooner or later.

China urges these countries to recognize the trend of the times, said Wang, adding that China is ready to open a new chapter in its relations with these countries on the basis of the one-China principle.

China's UN Human Rights Success!

UN: China’s Upholding of Human Rights Praised Worldwide! (22.1.2024)

The key to China’s human rights development is the leadership of the Communist Party of China and socialism with Chinese characteristics, which determine the socialist nature of China’s human rights endeavours, guarantee that the Chinese people are the masters of the country, and ensure equality in the sharing of human rights and the fundamental interests of the greatest possible majority of the people continue to be safeguarded and developed, Chen said.

Many countries congratulated China on securing and beginning its sixth term as a member of the UN Human Rights Council, and expected China to play a leading role in global human rights governance and to uphold international justice, the diplomat said.

China will firmly stand in solidarity with the Global South, share weal and woe with developing countries, put forward more initiatives and proposals in line with the common interests of developing countries, and promote global human rights governance toward greater fairness, justice, rationality and inclusiveness, Chen said.