Hammer & Sickle AK-47

Marxist-Leninism: Away With the Filth That is Predatory Capitalism! (20.1.2024)

The poor must be given free money, free housing, free education, free healthcare, and properly protected employment! Children will be given everything they need to survive birth and grow-up as Socialist Revolutionaries! Women and girls will be lift-up through progressive legal and cultural reform! Disabled People must be immediately protected, privileged, and apologised to for the despicable treatment they have been subjected to. This includes the Tory and LibDems murder of 120,000 People with Disability between 2010-2016 and beyond. Those with wealth must be scrutinized as to the origin of that wealth – and I do not care about what such parasites think about this policy! The Police and Military will become ‘Red’ – and those who have committed historical crime will be held responsible! The UK will work for International Revolution whilst withdrawing from NATO and any other Bourgeois institutions and establishments! The EU will be ‘banned’ and declared ‘illegal’. The UK will annul every treaty and understanding with the US whilst forging ‘Internationalist’ links directly with American workers. The Union Jack will be placed in the corner of the Red Flag festering a Hammer and Sickle! To hell with capitalism and reactionary leftism!

Ms Ying Liu - Kyte CEO

Kyte – An Interesting Study in US Anti-China Racism! (20.1.2024)

How extraordinary when it was ‘White’ managers who orchestrated this episode, and which are responsible for it. Meanwhile, the US System continues to demean, persecute, and otherwise discriminate against all US workers with impunity with virtually no media scrutiny. Today, White Americans are using the internet to search such anti-intellectual (racist) concepts as ‘Do Chinese Babies Wear Nappies?’, ‘Do Chinese Babies Wear Clothing?’, ‘Is Chinese Baby Clothing Safe?’, ‘What Dangerous Toxic Chemicals Are Found in Chinese Baby Clothing?’, ‘Is Kyte Chinese?’, ‘Is Ying Liu American?’, ‘Should We Boycott Kyte?’, and ‘Are Chinese Mothers Safe?’, etc. Although I have nothing in common with Ying Liu – our lives are very different – I stand in Ying Liu’s defence against the wall of White racism which is attempting to fall upon this successful young woman.

Hamas Hero!

PFLP: [Racist] EU Decisions Fully Supportive of Zionist War of Extermination! (20.1.2024)

The PFLP considered that the European Union’s decisions to impose sanctions on the Hamas Movement – and the struggling leader (and brother) – Yahya Sinwar – represent another expression of this complete bias towards the Zionist Occupation side, stressing that such decisions will not affect the support of the Resistance Movements or weaken the determination to defend the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people – and their right to exercise all forms of Resistance against the Occupation.