New Year Greets in DPRK!

DPRK: Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Congratulatory Messages and Letters from Different Countries on New Year! (19.1.2024)

ovement for Peace and Socialism of Italy, the general secretary of the National Democratic Congress of Ghana, the acting general secretary of the Democratic Rally of Africa-Democratic Party of Guinea, the national chairman of the People’s Progressive Party of Nigeria, the general secretary of the South African Communist Party, the general secretary of the Mozambique Liberation Front Party, the general secretary of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front, the general secretary of the Congolese Party of Labour, the national leader of the Workers’ Party of Mexico, the general secretary of the Central Committee of the People’s Socialist Party of Mexico, the general secretary of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Brazil, the first secretary of the Communist Party of Chile (Proletarian Action), the general secretary of the Communist Party of Uruguay and the National Leadership of the March 26 Movement of Uruguay.

Under Water Missile

DPRK: Ministry of National Defence Issues Press Statement! (19.1.2024)

Our Army’s Underwater (Nuclear-Based) Countering Posture is being further rounded off and its various Maritime and Underwater responsive actions will continue to deter the hostile military manoeuvres of the Navies of the U.S. and its allies.

We strongly denounce the U.S. and its followers for their reckless acts of seriously threatening the security of the DPRK from the outset of the year and sternly warn them of the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by them.

The Armed Forces of the DPRK will strike horror into their hearts through responsible, prompt and bold exercise of its deterrent and firmly defend the security of the state and regional peace by dint of great strength, never tolerating the reckless military confrontation hysteria of the enemies.