Saleh Al-Arouri

Palestine: Zionists Murder Great National Leader – Saleh Al-Arouri – in Treacherous Attack on Beirut! (2.1.2024)

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine bid farewell to the solid Resistance martyr that it knew in all the fields of struggle and the trenches of self-defence! The leader who was unshakeable regarding Palestinian patriotism and unfailing in the Unity of the people, the cause and the Resistance! For him, it was always Palestine first. His higher goal and above all his soul – was humbled for it. He coupled ideology with action. His personal traits left a deep impact on everyone who knew him. He continued to play an important role by searching for commonalities, and devoted himself to everyone’s participation in the field of Resistance. All genuine human-beings have something to offer in the ongoing battle against Zionist Neo-Nazism!

Antonio Gramsci - Socialist

BMA (UK): Article Assessing George Galloway! (2.1.2024)

In his work Gramsci talked of taking over already existing Bourgeois establishments and ‘transforming’ them from within. In this method, Gramsci seemed to be advocating that an outright external (disruptive) Revolution was not required in the material world – only through a slow but continuous process of internal ‘gutting’ which sees the Bourgeois innards fully extracted and replaced with Proletariat equivalents! For Gramsci, the Revolution happens right under the nose of the Bourgeoisie – who cannot resist or prevent it because they possess NO idea that it is happening! For my BMA (UK) article discussing George Galloway – please click the above link!

Zionist Tony Blair

Palestine: PFLP Warns of the Suspicious Movements of Zionist War Criminal -Tony Blair! (2.1.2024)

The PFLP considered that the return of this war criminal (with blood-stained hands) to the international and political scene – the perpetrator of the “weapons of mass destruction in Iraq” lie – is a bad omen! The PFLP stressed that the Palestinian people (and their Resistance) will fight any efforts (or plans) aimed at developing the forced (or voluntary) displacement of the Palestinian people. The Palestinian people will also RESIST any efforts to place the Gaza Strip under any form of international control – as this will be an indirect victory for the Zionist Occupation!