Communist China Supports Palestine!

China: CPC Department of International Relations Holds a Zoom “Study Course” on the Palestinian issue! (29.12.2023)

The First Session was entitled “Prospects for Resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.”

The Second Session was entitled “The Current Situations in the Middle East and the Role of China.”

The Third Session is entitled “The Global Development Initiative for the Global Security Initiative, the Global Civilization Initiative, and the Transformation of the International Order.”

Dr. Maher Al-Taher participated – at the invitation of the Chinese side – with contributions in the First Session on the prospects for resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

A number of Arab Parties also participated in this session – from Egypt, Iraq, Algeria, Morocco, Syria, Mauritania, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine.

Dr. Maher Al-Taher delivered a speech in the First Session.

Greenway House - Torquay

The British Imperialist Crimes of Agatha Christie! (29.12.2023)

As matters stand, the National Trust charges around £35 for a family of four to look around the interior of the house – but does not want the general public to know that anyone can walk around the gardens and exterior of the house free of charge. This explains why each visitor is requested to ‘Book’ a parking-space prior to being permitted to look around the house – and some of the Staff in the house act in a bizarre and suspicious manner when ‘guests’ (which might not be ‘paying’ to enter the house) gravitate toward the front-door of the mansion! Let’s face it, if all these stolen artefacts were given back to their rightful owners – the National Trust would be showing paying visitors around rooms containing only British-made table and chairs!

Busy Doing Nothing!

Greemway Gardens: Encountering the “Robin”! (29.12.2023)

Indeed, within the behaviour of these birds is the history of their interaction with humans and the surrounding the environment. Interestingly, there are photographs on display in the house that record the physical presence of family cats – but I suspect that as the house is so big and the grounds so extensive – these cats probably never ventured very far out of the house and into the gardens. Of course, Gee managed to find a cluster of bamboo shrubs probably planted by Agatha Christie – or at least one of her servants.