Amesbury: Meeting the Ancestor! (23.12.2023)

Of course, as an act of Solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Palestine, we posed for some of the photographs holding one of our Palestinian scaffs. The Israeli fascists have murdered over 20,009 Palestinian men, women and children and maimed over 70,000 in just four weeks using weaponry (much of it illegal) provided by the US and the UK. I wonder what the ancient ancestors of the UK would make of the fact that their descendents use the life they have given them to deprive others of just exactly that same thing! Perhaps they would drop to their knees in despair!


Lebanese Communist Party & Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Hold Joint Talks! (23.12.2023)

The two Parties stressed the priority of supporting the steadfastness and Resistance of the Palestinian people in their land, which has proven to be the only way to liberate Palestine, build a Palestinian “Nation State” on the internationally recognised (and complete) National Territory – with Jerusalem as its capital – and affirm the “right of return” and “self-determination” of the Palestinian people. The need for continued “Joint Coordination” at all levels in order to provide support to the Palestinian people was also stressed.