UN Security Council: DPRK Delivers Speech to Open Meeting! (20.12.2023)

Only ten days ago, right here in this place, the U.S. wielded the veto on the draft resolution on the settlement of the Middle East situation on the ground that it “failed to mention the right of Israel to self-defence”, patronizing and shielding the Israel’s crime of civilian mass killings as a “legitimate exercise of the right to the self-defence”. Such being the case, it is a mockery of and disregard for the UN Charter and the height of tragicomedy in itself as the U.S. today picks on the DPRK’s exercise of the right to self-defence taken as a warning dimension to cope with its military provocation.

UK: How The Guardian Newspaper “Begs for Money” – By Belittling Communist History! (20.12.2023)

Enver Hoxha, like ALL General Secretaries of the various Communist Parties – was ‘elected’ into that role through the auspices of Centralised Democracy – a process that empowers (and enfranchises) far more working-class people in a meaningful way than liberal democracy can or will. Like all “Socialist” Representatives – the people living under this “Socialist” system could of removed Enver Hoxha at anytime for any reason – a “Right” MISSING from ALL liberal democracies (and a Right the Albanian people never chose to exercise)! As Marina Hyde is not working-class – She “loves discipline when it is applied it to others!” Of course, Marina Hyde has very little to say regarding the Zionist Israelis killing and maiming around 70,000 Palestinians in just a single month during that country’s invasion of Palestine! After-all, it took the Nazi German Luftwaffe around 18 months of continuously blanket-bombing the UK (between 1940-1941) to amass 70,000 casualties during the Blitz!

Alverna Cher Sheue Pin

Singapore: Chinese-Language Summary of “Alverna Cher Sheue Pin [徐雪彬]” Trial! (20.12.2023)

Having now read about the details of this case in a Chinese-language context – I know have a much better grasp about WHAT is going on. To be honest, I think the Singapore State is “reaching”. The elaborate story the State has constructed is so bizarre as to beggar belief! The narrative is so subtle, devious and complex that it is unlikely that all of it could have unfolded according to plan and without any hitches. To be blunt – I think it is implausible and that the Singapore State would have preferred that Alverna Cher Sheue Pin simply pleaded “Guilty” out of fear – and then the State would not have to hold a trial and be made to prove its case! Of course, there is always the outside change that Alverna Cher Sheue Pin is an absolute criminal genius – but then again – all successful capitalists are!

Alverna Cher Sheue Pin (left) is said to have helped Mr Wee Jun Xiang take his own life by nitrogen gas inhalation.

Singapore: How a “Dead” Body can Make More Money than a “Living” One! (20.12.2023)

Misogyny and anti-Mainland China bias aside for a moment – Singapore is a (liberal) democratically elected – “Fascist State”. Although technically “multicultural” – the Indian and Filipino population exists primarily to serve the interests of the ethnic Chinese majority. There is a reason the Singapore Military has close ties with Israel and models itself on the IDF! When an impoverished “Indian” area of Singapore once defied the State pressure to elect the “right” (Chinese capitalist) candidate – instead selecting an ethnic Indian with “Socialist” attitudes – Lee Kwan Yu ordered the gas, electricity and water supplies in the area to be “cut-off” for three-weeks, so that the local people can “learn” who is in control of Singapore! Such Human Rights abuses are common-place in Singapore – but the Fascist State gets away with its actions due to it representing Eurocentric predatory capitalism and US neo-imperialist attitudes in the region. Alverna Cher Sheue Pin is being prosecuted because both her and her deceased boyfriend – Wee Jun Xiang – worked-out a method whereby more money could be generated for themselves and their families (through insurance payments) if one of them was able to commit suicide! Such a creativity that short-circuits the predatory capitalist system of Singapore cannot be tolerated by the Singaporean State – and must therefore – be seen to be “officially” punished! Hence the witch-hunt and resultant trial!

Happy Tibet!

China Condems EU “Anti-Tibet” Racism Whilst Exposing EU “Anti-Gaza” Hypocrisy! (20.12.2023)

GAZA, Dec. 19 (Xinhua) — The death toll of Palestinians from Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip has risen to 19,667, and 52,586 others were wounded since Oct. 7, the Hamas-run Health Ministry said on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Palestinian deaths and injuries from Israeli raids in the West Bank climbed to 301 and 3,365, respectively, according to the ministry.

In Gaza, over the past 24 hours, 214 Palestinians were killed, and 300 others injured in Israel’s raids, while a large number of victims were still under the rubble, Ashraf Al-Qedra, Health Ministry spokesman, said at a press conference held in the southern Gaza Strip.

Al-Qedra accused the Israeli army of destroying hospitals in northern Gaza Strip and putting them out of service.