Hong Kong: China Warns Racist UK to STOP Meddling! (14.12.2023)

The UK’s “debt trap” rhetoric is not based on facts. China’s investment and financing cooperation with fellow developing countries is carried out in compliance with international rules, market laws and the principle of debt sustainability and has been widely welcomed, according to Mao.

Mao stressed it is a handful of Western countries who have been spreading the fallacy of “Chinese debt traps”. The multilateral financial institutions and commercial creditors these countries dominate are the major creditors of developing countries and constitute the major source of stress for them in terms of debt repayment. They are the ones that need to make substantive contributions to easing developing countries’ debt burden. 

“We call on the UK to reject the Cold War mentality, stop spreading ‘China threat’ narratives, look at China and China-UK relations in an objective and rational light, and work with China for the sound and steady development of bilateral ties,” the spokesperson said.

Buddhism: The Marxist-Dhamma Interface! (14.12.2023)

Although Buddhism is apolitical – in the rel world even an apolitical entity has a political function – even if that function involves the permanent position of ‘opposing’ any and all manifestations of human ignorance known as “political” structures! What are these structures? These unwanted structures are any manifestations premised upon greed, hatred, and delusion, and which function within the inverted world of dualistic being. Such constructs are inherently suffering producing and are not conducive to human happiness. This is why Buddhists strive to uproot greed, hatred, and delusion from their minds and bodies – and in so doing generate the conditions for a better outward world. Click on the above link to read more…

Lebanese Communist Party: Delegation Meets Hamas Leadership in Lebanon! (14.12.2023)

The Delegation stressed that the Lebanese Communist Party has been in a position of Resistance and Armed Struggle against the Zionist movement and its Occupation since 1948, and it remains in this position until this moment and continues to push all Communist Parties and Leftist Forces in the world to adopt the Palestinian cause as a cause of liberation against all colonial forces. For his part, Dr. Ahmed Abdel Hadi stressed that the conflict with the Zionist enemy is the struggle of every free person, regardless of his or her background, whatever it may be. He stressed that the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza continues to hurt the Zionist enemy and prevent it from achieving its goals in this war, pointing out that the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, despite the great pain and great sacrifices they are suffering, is still clinging to their ancestral land through their Resistance, a process which gives absolute confidence in their final victory!

UK: Right-Wing Telegraph: Russia Close to a Devastating Victory! (14.12.2023)

The Telegraph Newspaper is racist, fascist and anti-working class. It is a Bourgeois rag which seeks to continuously undermine any Socialist development through an anti-intellectual rhetoric which ‘disinforms’ as it ‘destroys’ human value in any and all of its manifestations. However, just as the Daily Telegraph informed the world that nobody died in Tiananmen Square in 1989 (through a 2011 ‘Copyrighted’ article citing Wikileaks) – it would appear that the British Establishment is yet again spoon-feeding media articles into the UK Press (through the Telegraph) designed to prepare the population for a complete rhetorical U-turn regarding Neo-Nazi Ukraine! In this instance, NATO’s proxy war against Russia has failed as all of Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Forces have been thoroughly smashed and destroyed!