DPRK: Marshal Kim Jong Un [and Motherly Comrades] Captured in Beautiful “Socialist” Photographs! (9.12.2023)

The hearts of the participants were full of joy and excitement as they are to have a significant photo of glory taken to be kept as their most precious heirloom in great happiness of them who rose to the platform of the boundless respect and honour of the whole country while receiving the warm blessings of the benevolent Marshal Kim Jong Un whom they yearned for so much.

When the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un arrived at the venue, all the participants raised stormy cheers for the great father of the large socialist family who convened a grand meeting for them, who had fulfilled their due responsibility and duty of motherhood for their families and society, and shows all privileges and warm loving care for them.

China: US Manipulation of UN Against “Peace”! (9.11.2023)

BEIJING, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) — Amid a global outcry for peace, the United States has once again pitted itself against the international community by vetoing a draft resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

At the Security Council’s meeting on the Israel-Palestine issue, the resolution — submitted by the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations (UN) Security Council on Friday — received overwhelming support from 13 of the 15 Security Council members, with Britain abstaining. The United States is the only member to vote against it.

Lebanon: 56th Anniversary of the Founding of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine! (9.12.2023)

The PFLP denies the Zionist narrative and always presents the Palestinian narrative that touched all the right-minded people of the free world! Which expressed their condemnation of the crimes of the Occupation and confirmed their support for the Palestinian cause. On this glorious day, we hope that we will all rally around our Palestinian National Project, and around the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and that we will achieve the ambitions of the sons and daughters of our Palestinian people! Palestinian National Unity is our path to victory, liberation, and the establishment of an independent Palestinian State with Jerusalem as its capital!

Palestine: US & UK Assist Contnuation of Israeli War Crimes at UN! (9.12.2023)

“The Israeli army forced us to displace five times, from my house in Gaza City to Dier al-Balah City in the centre of the strip, and to eastern Khan Younis, and then to the western Khan Younis until reaching Rafah,” the 52-year-old mother of seven complained to Xinhua.

During her displacement journey, Mahani lost her husband, three sons, two daughters, and ten of her grandchildren in an Israeli attack targeting their residential block in Khan Younis city a few days ago.