Covid 19: UK Suffered 230,000 Deaths – Highest in Europe! (6.12.2023)

Johnson was forced to step down in mid-2022 after support for him evaporated over the “partygate” scandal. He was fined by the police for attending a party in 2020 during the country’s COVID-19 lockdown, becoming the first serving UK prime minister in history to break the law. Revelations of him and his employees reveling in booze-fueled parties in 2020 and 2021 at Downing Street infuriated the British public.

COVID-19 killed more than 230,000 people in the UK, one of the highest death tolls in Europe.

The COVID-19 inquiry is chaired by Baroness Heather Hallett, a former Court of Appeal judge. The inquiry is split into four areas: resilience and preparedness; core UK decision making and political governance; the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare systems; vaccines, therapeutics and antiviral treatment.

Hallett said she intends to publish the report on the first area of work by early summer 2024.

Palestine: The Latest “IDF” Massacre [Extended Cut]! (6.12.2023)

This was not without its problems – but things soon sorted themselves-out after the Zionist murder of UN Ambassador – Folke Bernadotte in 1948. Although the (White), middle-class, secular Jews that had been carrying out a ruthless terrorist campaign in Palestine for decades against the Occupying British Army and the protesting indigenous Arabs (funded by US Zionists and supported by such high-profile Jews as disgraced Leon Trotsky between 1929 and his death in 1940) – killing their “first” bona fide non-combatant was something of a milestone! Whilst visiting Palestine to investigate Press reports of “massacres” perpetuated by the Zionist terrorist forces against the Arab population – Folke Bernadotte was swiftly shot in the face as he disembarked from a UN-sanctioned aeroplane – with his dead body simply re-carried back up the stairs from which he had just descended. Judicial action carried-out against the Zionist State or its terrorist forces – NONE.

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Fear of “Mythical” Russian Invasion is Rife – Stoking Capitalist Market Forces! (6.12.2023)

This is no picnic. Everything is not fine and there is an underlying sense of seriousness. At least that’s what those gathered think. These are courses on Survival held in the city in case of hostilities. Particularly enterprising people came to the rescue – and seemingly make everything right just in time – in conditions of artificially created panic regarding a mythical Russian invasion. They teach impressionable fellow citizens how to make fires, spend the night in sub-zero temperatures and build huts. However, this training is NOT ‘free’ and is all part of the capitalistic exploitation of the Ukrainian population. Cost – from one and a half thousand in ruble equivalent – per 1 training session.

DPRK: International Day of Persons with Disabilities! (6.12.2023)

A video explaining the extensive achievements made in the Protection of the Rights of Disabled living in the DPRK this year – was shown at this meeting.

An art group of the Korean Art Association of the Disabled then gave a performance of the patriotic song entitled “We Love Our Country!”

Prior to the main meeting – the participants attended an exhibition of photographs showing the happy life of People with Disabilities! Such Comrades are deeply valued and lead a life full of blessings under the best Socialist System the DPRK can provide! (End)