Sutton: The Cat That Rap Built! (5.12.2023)

Black Power was still “Revolutionary” at this time – but after 2001 many performers switched their style to eulogising the very capitalism that had a) historically enslaved their ancestors, and b) continuously generates race-prejudice against their people – from one generation to the next! Today, Black-Americans are tempted to merely settle for a slice of the capitalist pie – where they can “buy” a relative sense of security by living in (exclusive) gated communities (usually with White people) protected by “Private” Security posing as Police Officers!

Palestine: Zionist Holocaust in Khan Yunis – Green-lighted By US! (5.12.2023)

The PFLP concluded its statement by stressing that the Resistance in the South Gaza Strip is valiantly confronting the enemy’s attempts to advance on several fronts, and is engaged in fierce clashes with it! The Palestinian Resistance stands ready to destroy the US-provided armoured vehicles and finish off its soldiers! Just as is happening in the north of Gaza – so is it happening in the South of Gaza! Stressing that Khan Yunis is steadfast! Every place in the Gaza Strip will be an inferno, burning the Zionist soldiers and destroying the illusions of the negligent accomplices and conspirators!

How the West Manipulates – and Chinese Philosophy Contributes to – Human Rights Methodology! (5.12.2023)

Fu Zitang, head of Southwest University of Political Science and Law’s Human Rights Institute, said that China proposing the Global Security Initiative, the Global Development Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative stands as a constructive solution to address human rights deficits and enhance global human rights governance.

Fu said that China promotes human rights through development, safeguards them through security and advances human rights through cooperation, which contributes to global peace and security.

Liu Huawen, executive director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences’ Institute of Human Rights, said the declaration is universal, applying to all nations regardless of size, strength or wealth.

It is powerful not due to material resources or substantial enforcement, but because of its representation of the common ideals and goals of all humanity, “giving it enduring vitality, extensive influence and timeless inspiration”, Liu said.