State of Palestine Mission (London) UK – 2022 Statement Condemning Israeli Aggression in Gaza! (3.12.2023)

Husam Zomlot, the Palestinian ambassador to the UK said: “All those asserting Israel’s ‘right to defend itself’ are simply misguided. They are enabling Israel to continue its crimes with impunity. Israel’s assault on Gaza is an illegal consolidation of an illegal and belligerent occupation and an illegal and brutal blockade.”

“For as long as Israel is allowed to carry on with its aggressions against the Palestinian people without being held to account, innocent Palestinian lives – like that of 5-year-old Alaa Qaddoum who was killed by an Israeli air strike on Gaza yesterday – will continue to be lost.“

“It is not enough for the UK or the world to call on ‘both sides’ to show restraint,” Ambassador Zomlot said. “There is only one occupying power.”

If the UK and the world want to save lives, they will take immediate action to hold Israel accountable. If not, blood is on the hands of the international community too.

Palestine: Day of Solidarity Meeting in Ain al-Hilweh – and Inspiring PFLP Resistance Speech! (3.12.2023)

He stressed that the victory achieved by the Palestinian Resistance on October 7th (2023) is a great political and military achievement, and that the Palestinian people, through their legendary steadfastness, gained the respect of the peoples of the world who took to the streets in their millions, rejecting the Zionist aggression, and affirming the right of the Palestinian people to pursue freedom and to Resist the Zionist Occupation.

Joint Meeting

Palestine: UK’s Unelected Tory (BJP) Junta Openly Assists Zionist War Crimes! (3.12.2023)

The PFLP stressed that all attempts by British Intelligence (and others) will fail to gather any information related to the Zionist detainees – just as the Zionist and American enemies have failed in the past! The Resistance promised its people and its prisoners that all of its detainees would be released in exchange for the release of all prisoners from the Zionist Occupation Prisons – the Zionists have failed to comply with these conditions.