Sutton: Revolutionay Seasons Greetings – Happy Yuletide!

“The essence of Trotskyism consists, lastly, in the denial of the necessity of iron discipline in the Party, in the recognition of the freedom of factional groupings in the Party, in the recognition of the necessity of constituting a Trotskyist party. For Trotskyism, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union must be not a united and single militant Party, but a collection of groups and factions, each with its own central organization, press and so forth. And what does this mean? It means that following the freedom of political groupings in the Party must come the freedom of political parties in the country, i.e., bourgeois democracy. Consequently, we have here the recognition of the freedom of factional groupings in the Party, leading directly to the toleration of political parties in the country of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and all covered up with phrases about ‘internal Party democracy’ and ‘improving the regime’ within the Party.” (Joseph Stalin, Leninism, Vol. II, English Edition, pp. 391-393.)

Palestine: PFLP Holds US Directly Responsible for Further Zionist War Crimes! (2.12.2023)

The PFLP stressed that the Palestinian people have no choice but to “Resist” their own extermination – and to remain “steadfast”! In this way, the united people of Palestine will ensure that the treacherous “Zionist” enemy will fail again and again in achieving any of its desired goals! The Neo-Nazi Israelis will fail no matter how much the cowardly Zionist-fascists in Tel Aviv decide to bomb, destroy, or commit War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity! The Zionist War Machine will return defeated, dragging its tail in disappointment and defeat – thanks to the solid Resistance and the strong Will of the Palestinian people! The Palestinian Resistance will inevitably author the end of the political future of the war criminal Netanyahu – and his Neo-Nazi gang!