Jerusalem: Latest Zionist War Crime Sees Pregnant Palestinian Woman Stabbed to Death! (30.11.2023)

Film footage of this latest Zionist Crime Against Humanity was recorded on CCTV whilst the footage was released on the Internet not long after the death of the woman (and her baby) was confirmed. The pro-Iaraeli (US-dominated) media has pursued its usual response of ignoring this Zionist War Crime – whilst ordinary right-thinking people have shared this footage far and wide! The hateful criminality of Zionist Israel is plain for all to see

Syria: UK’s Official Support for the Islamic Extremist “White Helmets”! (30.11.2023)

You may have noticed that the rhetoric of the numerous Pro-Palestinian news and political outlets routinely criticises the ‘traitor’ Arab States. These include Jordan, Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia – amongst others. All these Islamic States not only side with Israel and the US – but are also behind the arming and funding of ISIS in Syria – spoon-fed to the fee-paying West as ‘White Helmets’! Turkey is also behind Uyghur terrorism in China, whilst Qatar, through Al Jazeera, continuously broadcasts US-derived anti-China (racist) rhetoric! US money and regime change has made Arab solidarity a thing of the past. What follows below is an extract from the above book which documents the UK’s funding and support for the ‘White Helmets’ – which routinely carryout massacres, rape and pillage in the so-called ‘liberated’ areas of Syria! The US wants to destroy ‘Socialist’ Syria for Israel – because Syria’s legitimate Assad government continuously opposes Zionist War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity!

Norway: Remembering “Johanne Zhangjia Ihle-Hansen” – the Forgotten Chinese Victim of a White Racist! (30.11.2023)

The Norwegian Police said at a Press Conference that Philip Manshaus, a white Norwegian young man who also carried out a shooting at a mosque near Oslo, was likely to be a supporter of extreme xenophobia. This is completely consistent with the suspect’s motive for the murder revealed by the Police today.

According to media reports, the 17-year-old victim, the suspect’s sister Johanne, was adopted by the suspect’s stepmother and should have had a positive life experience with the shooting suspect.

Although not related by blood, the victimized Chinese girl is the suspect’s legal sister and family member.

She has lived in Norway for 15 years since her adoption. After the tragedy, local residents in Norway placed flowers and candles outside the residence of the murdered Chinese girl – to express their condolences.

Israel War Crimes: Zionists Kill Two Jenin Children During “Truce”! (30.11.2023)

According to local sources and eyewitnesses, the army conducted a wide-scale arrest campaign in the refugee camp, and evacuated residents in the Damaj neighborhood from their homes amid intense confrontations.

The sources added that the Israeli army also bombed a house with a drone, and demolished infrastructures such as water, electricity, and sewage networks with bulldozers.

Jenin has long been a center for Palestinian resistance groups. Israel says the camp is a hub for planning and preparing militant attacks as well as a safe haven for fighters funded by Hamas or the Islamic Jihad group.