China: Beware US-Controlled Keyboard Warriors! (29.11.2023)

Chinese state security organs eventually discovered the abnormalities and launched an investigation. They found that the “developer” was actually an overseas espionage and intelligence agency that had planted Trojan horse malware onto the software programs. The malware could invade and manipulate computers and servers, allowing the agency to steal archives and data.

The agency used the infected software programs to conduct cyberattacks and theft against dozens of military institutes and high-tech enterprises, the ministry said. They have alerted the victims to the attacks to minimize potential losses.

Wang was given an administrative penalty according to the law, the ministry said, without giving details.

The ministry urged the public, especially IT workers, to be wary of such traps when offering technical services. They advised individuals to keep evidence and report suspicious activities to the authorities.

DPRK: Empowering Centralised Democracy On Display As Working-Class Go To The Polls! (29.11.2023)

The working-class of Ryongseong (and the people of Hamheung City) cherish the free honour of participating in true democratic Elections supported by Comrade Kim Jong Un! The Centralised Democratic process solidifies the Revolutionary Sovereignty of the DPRK – with Delegates fulfilling their Civic Duty in the struggle to further strengthen our People-Centred Socialist State. Those who represent genuine democracy in the DPRK are filled with a fiery enthusiasm to do their best! (End)

Gaza: 160 Young Palestinian Bodies Recovered Under Rubble in Past 24 hours! (29.11.2023)

WAFA correspondents in Gaza reported that rescue crews have so far relied on manual and primitive methods to dig out the bodies, in light of the lack of machinery and equipment to remove the rubble.

Non-final data indicated that about 6,500 missing persons are still under the rubble, or their fate is still unknown, including more than 4,700 children and women.

Since the start of the temporary humanitarian truce on Friday, rescue and ambulance crews, as well as citizens, have been trying to recover as many bodies as possible with whatever capabilities they have.

The last five days revealed the horror of the humanitarian catastrophe that befell the Gaza Strip, as 300,000 housing units were damaged as a result of Israeli air, land and sea bombing, including 50,000 housing units that were completely destroyed.

Despite the truce, the occupation prevented citizens displaced in the south of the Gaza Strip from returning to their cities and towns in the North, as the occupation forces stationed on Salah al-Din Street fired bullets at citizens who tried to reach the north to inspect their homes and search for their missing family members, which led to the killing of three people, and injury of others.