Argentina: Catholic Church, US, UK & EU Backs Far-Right Government! (27.11.2023)

The US, UK and EU has fully endorsed this far-right-wing plan – despite the contradiction it suggests – in apparently usurping US-control of the world capitalist system this policy suggests (as the US controls all capitalist countries through a system of unified Central Banks). The US (and Western world) must be cutting its losses – and settling for the total destruction of Argentinian Socialism as a means for creating a greater political control from Washington at a later date. If Argentina had elected a left-leaning government premised on the exact opposite policy (of empowering and uplifting the ordinary people) – I suspect a near unanimous UN Resolution would be in the offing – followed by a swift blanket-bombing campaign.

US: Pro-Zionist “Hate Crimes” Flourish in Land of the Free! (27.11.2023)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned in the strongest terms the shooting crime against the three Palestinian students.

The Ministry called on the American authorities to quickly arrest the criminal, investigate him, hold him accountable, and inform them of the results of the investigations, wishing a speedy recovery for the students.

On October 16, a Palestinian child and his mother were stabbed in the town of Plainfield, Illinois, by a 71-year-old man, who killed the child and seriously injured the mother.

The police accused the man of committing a hate crime against the child, 6, and his mother, 32, saying that the two victims were targeted because of their Islamic faith.