Horton Street - lewisham - East London

Lewisham: Locating the Now Lost “Horton Street”! (25.11.2023)

During September, 1940, Nazi Germany unleashed its ‘Blitz’ attack on London! The Luftwaffe dropped thousands of tonnes of bombs on East London – as Hitler sought to destroy the physical bodies of the British working-class (thus preventing them from joining the British Arm Forces) – and to destroy the morale of those who were left! Not only this, by bombing various targets in the UK – using conventional Bomber-Aeroplanes and unconventional Flying Bombs (the fabled ‘V’ or ‘Vengeance’ weapons) Hitler attempted to rip the infrastructure of the UK from beneath the feet of its inhabitants! In the 18 months of intense blanket-bombing – a tactic Hitler had perfected in Spain during the Civil War (1936-1939) in that country – around 70,000 British people were killed!

Missing Person – Chinese-American Nancy Ng (吴南希) – Last Seen in Guatemala! (25.11.2023)

The ‘White’ Americans that Nancy Ng was with when she attended a Yoga Retreat quickly left the country once it was discovered Nancy Ng was ‘missing’ (without paying for the Kayaks they had used) – and colluded to present a united front of ‘silence’ in the face of questions from Law Enforcement and the concerned family of Nancy Ng. This deliberate deception included ‘Christina Blazek’ – a San Bernadino County Public Defender (Lawyer) – who was kayaking alongside Nancy Ng at the time she went missing – but who emphasises that she was NOT with Nancy Ng at the time!