CSA: “I Hates The Yankee Nation And Everything It Does!”

Veterans of the Armed Forces of Confederate States of America (CSA) – [1861-1865] – for decades resisted and refused to be associated with the Yankee political right-wing, the contemporary far-right or any association attempting to usurp the Confederate Cause for their own nefarious ends! This was the case with the odious Ku Klux Klan – but after all the CSA Veterans had passed away post-1945 – this open resistance to far-right revisionism passed into history – although the descendants of CSA soldiers did voice their discontent – and still do.

USSR: IL-14 [28.2.1959] Air Crash at Stalingrad! (22.11.2023)

Parts of the aeroplane fuselage was later found to possess apparent shrapnel damage – with a number of bodies seeming to exhibit shrapnel entry-wounds. Due to these findings, the Commission conducted an examination to ascertain whether the metal objects found in the Commander’s body were ‘fired’ military ammunition. Based on this data, it was possible to petition the Ministry of Défense to close the ‘live-fire’ military training ground in the area of ​​the Baku Airport – as the Soviet Red Army regularly fired machine-gun, rifle and artillery weapons (day and night). As a clear threat to public safety was discerned – the approach flightpath of civilian airliners was cleared of all ‘live-firing’ activities. The Commission did not, however, make a final conclusion about the causes of the disaster.

Australia: Over 20 Workers Arrested in Pro-Palestinian Protest! (22.11.2023)

Approximately 400 people carried out “unauthorised protest activity” at Port Botany Tuesday night and blocked vehicle movement on Foreshore Road, the NSW Police Force said in a statement.

“After a number of people continued to refuse police direction, 23 people were arrested before all people left the roadway,” the statement said.

The protest was directed at Israeli shipping company ZIM, which has offered its support to the Israeli government in the Gaza conflict and had a ship at the port on Tuesday, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.