Zionist War Crime: Mosque Destroyed! (19.11.2023)

And just like the Nazi Germans – we can live in hope that this self-indulgent practice will serve as ‘evidence’ in a legal case and help bring the guilty to justice. I think the civilised world will agree that just like in Nuremberg – the, Zionist Jews found ‘Guilty’ of these diabolical crimes should face the Death Penalty! Following this, the Zionists should be removed from Palestine and resettled in the US – whilst the US pays reparations to the Palestinians and assists in the rebuilding of the Palestinian State!

USSR: Mystery of South Korean Boeing 747 (Flight 007) – Shot-Down On September 1st, 1983 – Whilst Straying into Soviet Airspace! (19.11.2023)

Meanwhile, it is necessary to figure it out, despite all the obvious inconsistencies. After all, the 1983 incident became a convenient pretext for Washington and its allies to unleash another paranoid-hysterical campaign against the USSR and contributed to the unity of the anti-Communist Bloc. President Ronald Reagan found another reason to confirm his earlier thesis about the USSR as an “evil empire,” a term he borrowed from the movie “Star Wars.” Part of the Soviet elite was so frightened by this Western propaganda attack that two years later these individuals voted with both hands for the coming to power of the favourite of our geopolitical rivals, Mikhail Gorbachev. Once again, it makes no sense to talk in detail about the events of September 1983: the number of newspaper publications about the downed South Korean Boeing number in the thousands, books have been written about it and films have been made. Let me just remind you that the most important accusation against us is the disproportionate use of force against a civilian aeroplane belonging to South Korean Airlines, flying on the first day of autumn 1983 as Flight 007 from New York – via Anchorage – to Seoul, as a result of which 269 passengers and crew died.

Email: My Interaction with ‘Andrew North’ of the Northants Records Office! (19.11.2023)

Interestingly, when I have visited the Archives in person (in the past) – or have had my staff do so on my behalf – I have never encountered this level of unprofessional behaviour involving the deliberate manifestation of disrespect and obstructive behaviour from a Civil Servant. You may rest assured that an official complaint will be lodged regarding your conduct in this manner.