Zionist Israel is a Vicious “Racist” State! (18.11.2023)

The above video is a ‘corrective’ for the inverted viewpoint being broadcast by (Bourgeois) mainstream media. Furthermore, there is an ever greater list of videos featuring Zionist Israelis visiting landmarks in London – and being ‘warned’ by British Armed Police that they must abide by UK Law whilst in this country – and show respect toward our Ceremonial Soldiers who guard various places of historic interest and importance. The footage invariably records large groups of disrespectful Israeli citizens clustering around British Police Officers ‘arguing’ the point regarding their despicable behaviour! Quite often, the obviously ‘fascist’ bearing of these individuals cause the Royal Guards to march continuously up and down – just to get away from these morons!

Church of England: Peter John Ball – Bishop-Fantasist and Convicted Sex Offender! (18.11.2023)

The Church of England – even in its modern incarnation – possesses NO ecclesiastical agency to possess a ‘monastic’ branch. Indeed, through its very origin (the ‘Dissolution of the Monasteries’) – the Church of England can NOT even pretend to possess a monastic calling! Why then, was the paedophile-priest – Peter John Ball – allowed to pretend that he had founded a ‘Monastic Order’? Well, as a CofE Bishop – Peter John Ball was allowed to play-out his fantasies of being a ‘monk’ – just as he was allowed to play-out his deviant sexual fantasies upon the naked bodies of unsuspecting young males! To aid him in this sickness – Peter John Ball – looked for inspiration from the Catholic Church, a corrupt institution that has been abusing children and young people for centuries. When Peter John Ball was asked by Terry Wogan why it was that he ‘founded’ a ‘new’ monastic order – a measure of Ball’s dishonesty can be ascertained by what he does NOT say in his answer. Ball does NOT state that he had to ‘invent’ a new monastic order because the CofE that made him a Bishop does NOT possess or allow for a monastic order. This is why he looked toward the Catholic ‘Benedictines’ when he concocted his so-called ‘Community of the Glorious Ascension’!

Palestine: 35th Anniversary of Declaration of Independence! (18.11.2023)

“In the name of God and in the name of the Palestinian Arab people, the National Council declares the creation of the State of Palestine on our Palestinian land with noble Jerusalem as its capital,” declared Arafat on November 15, 1988, at a meeting of the Palestinian National Council, the Palestinian parliament in exile, which convened in the Algerian capital.

With this declaration, which was a turning point in the history of the Palestinian national liberation movement, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) confirmed Palestinian acceptance of the two-solution for the decades-long Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

It also led to Arab, Islamic, and world recognition of the State of Palestine as declared in Algiers.

Palestine: Foreign Ministry Welcomes “Zionist Crimes” Referral to ICC By Five States Parties! (18.11.2023)

The international impunity Israel enjoys and has enjoyed for 75 years must come to an end, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates in a statement.

“On the heels of the deadliest year for the Palestinian people and a catastrophic humanitarian situation caused by the commission of crimes listed in the Rome Statute, the referral is asking the Office of the Prosecutor to vigorously investigate the crimes under its jurisdiction and within the context of the Situation in the State of Palestine,” the statements stated.

The State of Palestine recalled that States Parties to the Rome Statute indeed have a responsibility and an obligation to cooperate with the Court and ensure an objective, impartial, and independent investigation.