Kai-Lin’s Poppy Pictures – Lest We Forget! (17.11.2023)

German soldiers could not believe what they were seeing as these columns of British soldiers – with rifles shouldered – marched calmly toward the German trenches, stepping through the poppy flowers as they went! Initially, many German machine-gunners refused to open-fire on such an obvious target – but were forced to do so by their Officers! The result was an absolute massacre! However, the British High Command accused these working-class regiments of cowardice – and pushed more and more men into the area for the next three-months! In some places the bodies lay stacked in 12-foot piles – and it was these natural barriers that the newly arrived British soldiers had to climb. Many advanced over the shattered bodies of their fathers, uncles, sons and brothers.

On Attempting to Be Theoretically and Practically “Free”! (17.11.2023)

This situation reminds me of Carl Jung, an ethnic German born in Switzerland, who in 1956 published a ridiculous little book purportedly about ‘UFOs’ – but which contained a section openly attacking the USSR (parroting US Cold War Propaganda) just 11-years after Jung’s ethnicity had perpetuated one of the worst crimes in human history – killing and maiming 41-million in the USSR! Jung NEVER addressed the inhumanity of his fellow Germans but felt able to lend his academic weight to the ongoing demonisation of the victims of German immorality. From that day onwards, Jungian thinking and theory become just another path leading to an illusionary freedom – with those who describe themselves as ‘Jungians’ simply making the same interpretive mistakes as their progenitor.

Australia: 85th Anniversary of Dalfram Dispute Protest Against Japanese Atrocities in China! (17.11.2023)

On Nov. 15, 1938, Port Kembla witnessed one of the most resounding events in its history — the Dalfram Dispute, where 180 courageous Australian workers refused to load pig iron onto the cargo steamer SS Dalfram, as they found that the raw materials would be used in the manufacture of weapons to fuel Japan’s invasion of China.

Located some 90 km south of Australia’s Sydney, Port Kembla serves as an international trade gateway for agricultural, construction, and mining industries in the state of New South Wales, which operates 24 hours a day and seven days a week.