Palestine: West’s “Silence” Condone’s Israeli War Crimes in Gaza! (16.11.2023)

Türkiye is currently assisting Qatar and Saudi Arabia to fund and arm ISIS in Syria – in an attempt to overthrow the legitimate (anti-Zionist) Assad government. Moreover, Türkiye is pursuing this cause of action as an ‘alley’ of Zionist Israel and the US! Just ‘why’ the leadership of Türkiye – which hindered the Arab League from formally condemning Israel – would issue such a verbal attack upon its Zionist ally is slightly puzzling – but till, here it is! Meanwhile, the UN and Red Cross are equally ‘silent’ about the ongoing Israeli War Crimes and unfolding catastrophe!

Palestine: US-Sponsored (Zionist) War Machine Suffering Huge Losses! (16.11.2023)

Abu Ubaida said, in a recorded speech, that the sniper weapon continues to target the Zionist Occupation soldiers, and that the artillery weapon continues to destroy their fortifications, adding: “Despite the Zionist massacres that deliberately target civilians, we continuously manoeuvre our elite forces and turn around to strike the enemy in its rear – destroying its vehicles from point zero.”

Palestine: US & UK Support Zionist War Crimes in Storming of Hospital! (16.11.2023)

The PFLP concluded its statement by stressing that Palestinian hospitals will continue to bear witness to the unprecedented crimes of the Zionist entity, which have reached a level never practiced by any earlier Occupation or version of colonialism. However, our people are determined to resist it and are steadfast and determined, and will not raise the white flag! Our doctors, patients, and all of our people will remain strong. They will not be intimidated by these crimes, and they will not forgive or forget the complicity of the International Community and International Medical Institutions that turned a blind eye to the targeting of hospitals and the medical system, and the killing of doctors and patients.