Palestine: How Zionist Israel Uses UK Arms To Commit War Crimes! (13.11.2023)

What Hitler and Hirohito once did – Netanyahu does today – but of course, Zionist fascism existed long before Netanyahu and it will exist long after him if the International Community does stand-up to the US and the UN does not hold the Israeli War Criminals to account! The Zionists are encircling, cutting-off, bombing and starving all hospitals in Gaza. The bodies are piling-up and the water base is becoming polluted. Typhoid will soon follow – as will every known disease spread by rats and flees feeding on the corpses! Meanwhile, the Zionists are murdering so many Palestinian children that their remains are being picked-up using shovels and plastic bags, Grieving parents then line-up to take their turn to look through the scattered and disfigured remains in an attempt to retrieve at least a part of their loved ones. Zionist Israel is committing these crimes with US, UK and EU-supplied weaponry – and is funded by our tax-payments!

Palestine: US, UN, UK, WHO & Red Cross Responsible for Ongoing Zionist War Crimes & Crimes Against Humanity! (13.11.2023)

The PFLP concluded its statement by stressing that the remains of children, the blood of doctors, and the suffering of patients will remain a curse that haunts all the negligent and accomplices who abandoned the Palestinian people, the patients, the wounded, and the doctors – all of which have become prey to the unprecedented Zionist War Crimes committed by this rogue entity, whose crimes have not been matched by any occupying or colonial power throughout history.