Remembrance Sunday: Wearing My Veterans’ Tie! (12.11.2023)

There was a huge Pro-Palestinian March in London yesterday – despite the US, UK and EU (Bourgeois) media trumpeting the Israeli (Zionist) cause! The UN was correct in 1975 to declare ‘Zionism’ a form of Jewish ‘White Supremacy’ that discriminates against all non-Jews, Jews who disagree with its fascism and ALL non-White people regardless of origination or political and religious outlook. Indeed, some of the most well-attended (protest) Marches we have attended in the past have been in support of Palestine – when the British media has been looping pro-Zionist propaganda around the clock! NO – freedom from fascism is a Universal Human Right for which we all must fight!

Da's Army

Torbay: Dad’s Army [1975] BBC Appearance – Seaside Special! (12.11.2023)

Dad’s Army ran for 9 series and 80 episodes between 1968-1977. The 8th series of Dad’s Army ran between 5.9.1975-10.10.1975 (containing 6 episode) – with this appearance by two of its stars happening just one-day before the second episode was broadcast! Indeed, there would be NO Dad’s Army series for 1976 except for a Xmas Special. This had happened before when there was NO Dad’s Army series for 1971 – except for a Xmas Special – but this year also featured a cinema film for the cast! The year 1975 would feature both a Dad’s Army series AND a Xmas Special!

Palestine: Courage of Hamas Freedom Fighters Confronting Zionist Fascism! (12.11.2023)

Despite the odds stacked against them, the various factions comprising the Hamas Freedom Fighters are taking the fight to the Neo-Nazi enemy! Losses are high – but so is Palestinian morale! Israel may bask in the light of endless US support – but the leaders of this Zionist Rogue State must know that the rule of their fascism is coming to its own conclusion as Jews around the world start forming anti-Zionist groups designed to pressure Israeli policy away from domination and displacement. As matters stand, the Palestinian people are paying a high price for their Resistance to tyranny – but no oppressed group in history has achieved freedom by doing nothing – by suffering nothing! Of course, the world is complicit in Israeli War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

Joint Arab-Islamic Summit Condemns Ongoing Israeli War Crimes – Demands Immediate Cease-Fire & Investigation! (12.11.2023)

Israel’s attacks on Gaza have so far killed more than 11,000 Palestinians, including more than 4,500 children and 3,000 women, and wounded over 27,000 others, said Palestinian Health Minister Mai Al-Kaila in a press conference on Saturday.

The Israeli escalation followed a massive attack launched by the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) that runs Gaza, which killed about 1,200 people in Israel, according to revised figure announced by Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lior Haiat on Saturday. Hamas also took more than 200 people to Gaza as hostages during the attack.

Qatar’s Emir announced during the summit that his country was trying to mediate the release of hostages.

Hamas on Saturday called on the leaders of Arab and Islamic nations to pressure Israel to stop its “war” against the besieged coastal enclave.