BMA (UK): Remembrance Sunday! (10.11.2023)

This is often thought to have comprised of 27 million dead and 14 million wounded. This further breaks down into 21.5 million (dead and wounded) civilians and 19.5 million (dead and wounded) soldiers. The high numbers of civilians casualties reflects the genocidal tactics as used by the Nazi Germans and their Catholic allies toward non-military personnel. The Catholic Ukrainians of West Ukraine assisted the Nazi Germans in this process of mass murder – and it is the descendants of these lunatics who are supported by the US – and which form the current Maidan Junta!

The US & Zionist Controlled “UN” Betrays Palestinian People! (10.11.2023)

The Department explained that what is required of the United Nations institutions and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees is to effectively stop the aggression and provide for the needs of our people hiding in Shelter Centres who are suffering under the weight of the aggression – in a way that alleviates their suffering – not to issue misleading instructions that are not their responsibility! Most important of all is the necessity of taking the decision to return to its Operations Centre in Gaza City, and assume its full responsibilities required for providing relief to our people throughout the Gaza Strip – and not in the South – where the Zionists would like us to be.

France Arrests Palestinian Activist – Maryam Abu Daqqa – After approving Deportation! (10.11.2023)

Abu Daqqa, 71 years old, obtained an Entry Visa to France (for 50 days), whilst in Jerusalem at the beginning of last August, in order to go to France, where she was scheduled to participate in various Conferences on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Abu Daqqa arrived in France last September, and participated in two Conferences despite the restrictions imposed on her after campaigns aimed at banning her public activity. She also participated in a movement to release George Ibrahim Abdullah – the Lebanese Detainee – held in French prisons over the last 40 years.

On October 16th, Abu Daqqa was arrested in the city of Marseille, Southern France, before heading to the city of Toulouse – based on an Order from Interior Minister Girald Darmanin – with the intention that Abu Daqqa be Deported.

Gaza: Zionist Aggression Targets Palestinian Hospitals and Refugee Gathering-Points! (10.11.2023)

When contacted by Tempo via short message, the Operations Manager of the Humanitarian Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C), Rima Manzanaris, said that his party was still looking for information regarding the attack. “That’s the information circulating. “Currently volunteers (at the Indonesian hospital in Gaza; ed) cannot be contacted,” said Rima on Friday November 10th 2023. Rima added that volunteers at the hospital could still be contacted at 21.00 WIB. “However, at 23.00 WIB we could no longer be contacted.” The Indonesian Hospital in Bayt Lahiya, North Gaza, Palestine, was built on 16,261 square metres of waqf land from Ismail Haniyeh. The social organization Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) became the intermediary for the realization of this hospital!