The Clan Gibson of Sutton! (9.11.2023)

Our branch of the Gibson family is recorded as having been ‘rope-makers’ and are believed to have originally migrated out of Scotland hundreds of years ago – and to have ‘walked’ down through England until they eventually settled in East London. This is a journey that took decades and involved small clusters settling here and there. Featured is out Scottish Tartan – but as ‘Gibson’ is of Viking heritage – the Vikings settled in both England and Scotland at different times and during the centuries prior to the Norman Conquest of 1066 CE. As the Normans were Vikings who had settled in France – this adds yet another level of transmission. The ‘Son of Gibb’ was thought to have been a mighty Viking warrior!

DPRK: Uninvited Guests Bring Fear of War to the Korean Peninsula & Asia-Pacific region! (9.11.2023)

The failure of domestic and foreign policies and the resulting series of strategic crises have already sealed America’s inevitable fate – a reality that is vividly unfolding in Europe and the Middle East.

Now, whether or not a new geopolitical crisis is created in the Asia-Pacific region that hastens the end of the United States – depends entirely on the actions of the United States.

The United States’ move to strengthen its alliance against anti-American and independent countries will accelerate the retributive power and solidarity of the just international community and will serve as a catalyst to completely destroy the hegemonic position of the evil empire.

The current unstable nternational situation is a crisis unfolding for the United States – and its strategic defeat is only a matter of time.

Abu Ubaida: Israeli Occupation Obstructed Release of “12” Foreign Detainees in Gaza! (9.11.2023)

Earlier, Abu Ubaida said: “In response to Qatari efforts – two American detainees were released on humanitarian grounds,” and added: “Their timely release proves to the American people (and the world) that the claims of Biden – and his fascist Administration – are entirely false.”

Abu Ubaida had announced that the Resistance possesses a group of detainees of multiple nationalities – explaining that they were “captured during the battle, and there was no opportunity to verify their identities,” declaring that the Resistance would release its foreign prisoners “if the necessary conditions prevailed.”

Last month, Hamas indicated through the movement’s leader – Osama Hamdan – during a press conference in Lebanon, that it would not discuss the fate of Israeli Army prisoners – until Tel Aviv ended its aggression against the Gaza Strip.

Soviet Weaponry

Gaza: Israeli War Crimes Countered By Hamas Courage! (9.11.2023)

The total number of Palestinian deaths due to Israeli attacks since Oct. 7 has risen to 10,328, including 4,237 children, 2,719 women, and 631 elderly people. Additionally, more than 25,000 others were injured with various degrees of severity, according to the Gaza-based Health Ministry on Tuesday.

On the same day, the government media office announced that Israel has bombed the Gaza Strip with over 30,000 tons of explosives since the outbreak of the deadly conflict on Oct. 7.

Meanwhile, the ground battles continue between Hamas and other resistance factions against the Israeli military, which has announced its intention to target underground tunnels in the northern Gaza Strip and advance towards the heart of Gaza City after isolating the area with troops and tanks.