BMA (UK): Buddhism As Anti-Capitalism! (8.11.2023)

Indeed, there is a complete (and refreshing) lack of commercial consideration in the Dhamma teaching. Therefore, Early Buddhism is entirely ‘anti-capitalist’ in both essence and manifestation. The problem is the tide of capitalist distortion which hits our minds and bodies in this modern age. It is as if the Buddha was the CEO of a very successful business – and that we are all shareholders! Nothing could be further from the truth! At the above link – there is an article discussing this issue that should be studied carefully.

Palestine: Popular Committee Warns -NO – Participation of Palestinians in Meetings (Open or Secret) Delusively Discussing the Aggression on Gaza! (8.11.2023)

The Front condemns anyone who agrees with them or who try to promote or discuss the future following the current aggression on Gaza. The Front condemns the creation of an authority or administration under the control of the US-Zionist Invader Occupation authority or any so-called “International Administration” – will be dealt with as an “Occupying Force” – as our people have defined their firm position for years. The principle is that there will be no return to “Village Associations” or “Civil Administration” rule, or any variants of these schemes – or rule subject to Zionist, International or Local bodies managed by directly or indirectly by the Occupation.

Gaza: Zionist Israel Kills 10,300 & Wounds 25,000 During 4-Weeks of Talmudic Revenge! (8.11.2023)

Ambulances transported approximately 30 injured individuals to the Rafah crossing, accompanied by teams from the International Committee of the Red Cross on Monday, as part of new agreements facilitated by Egypt and the United Nations.

On the other hand, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society announced Monday that its teams received 25 trucks of humanitarian aid from the Egyptian side through the Rafah crossing, bringing the total number of trucks received since Oct. 21 to 476, excluding any quantities of fuel.

The World Food Programme on Monday issued an urgent appeal to expand the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, as the humanitarian needs have significantly increased, and essential food supplies have reached critically low levels in the besieged enclave.