Chislehurst Home Guard: “C” Company 54th Kent Battalion! (7.11.2023)

This did, in some areas, include women – with the purpose of forming a ‘mass’ volunteer force comprised of hundreds of thousands of eager individuals who were dedicated to the task of protecting their homes through the logical use of local knowledge. Foreign Paratroopers, by way of example, despite their fitness and daring, may drop both sides of a house (in an unfamiliar area) and have no idea where they are, giving time enough for the inhabitants of the house to open-fire (from the high ground) – thus removing the threat! The soldiers of “C” Company of the 54th Battalion of the Kent Home Guard wore a Khaki British Army-style uniform and possessed a number of very different (old and new) fire-arms (preserved in the Museum maintained at Chislehurst Cave).

PFLP: Leadership of Palestinian Authority Must Boycott American Officials – and Reject Western Plans Hostile to Palestinian People! (7.11.2023)

The Front considers that the American plans – seeking to create a “new entity” in the Gaza Strip, or hand over the Gaza Strip to an unelected “Alternative Administration” – is far from the will of the Palestinian people! These fascistic and non-democratic plans are “rejected” by the Palestinian people! The Palestinian Authority must NOT deal with or consider these vile plans that are hostile to the Palestinian people!

The Front concluded its statement by reiterating that the American Administration, which openly colludes with the Zionist Occupation through its aggression against the Palestinian people by supporting the Zionist fascists politically and militarily – providing the most powerful (and “Internationally Banned”) weapons! As a consequnce, this US aggression against the Palestinan people must be dealt with (and targeted) using all forms of resistance!

Palestine: Israel Murders Children – Hamas Freedom Fighters “Kill” Zionist Tanks! (7.11.2023)

The price the Palestinians have paid since 1947 has been the lose of their lands and the lose of their lives – as the US and UK continuously feed in an endless supply of money and arms to the region. The very presence of an aggressive Israel destabilises the region and prevents the Arab world from uniting around its petroleum wealth and becoming a powerful political bloc!