WWII: Lest We Forget! (6.21.2023)

The politically motivated casualty lists of the contemporary Bourgeois West play down the Soviet and Asian casualty figures whilst over-exaggerating the losses of the West. The UK morally led the way whilst China and the USSR fought their corners with an incredible tenacity! At this special time of year we must also remember the Soviet and British POWs who suffered at the hands of the brutal (fascist) Imperial Japanese – with the Soviets also brutalised by the Nazi Germans (who viewed them as sub-human). At the setting of the sun – we will remember them!

Russia: Soviet Red Army [1941] Moscow March-Past Remembered! (5.11.2023)

On June 22nd, 1941, Nazi Germany (an its Catholic allies) launched a devastating ‘scorched earth’ invasion of the Western USSR – determined to wipe-out the Slavic-race and eliminate the Socialist ideology from the planet! Stalin also mentions that the only ally the Soviet union had at the time is the ‘United Kingdom’ – a small island situated just of off Western Europe! Stalin points-out that if such a small island (and its people) can hold-out this long with NO allies (nearly two-years) – then so can the Soviet Union if the people follow this example of collective resistance! Most of the men and women you see here – marched straight to their deaths – and they did this so that you and me could live freely without the fear of fascism!

DPRK: Standing Meeting of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Held! (6.11.2023}

The Standing Meeting deliberated on proposed bills and passed the relevant Decrees for the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly to consider – regarding “On the Establishment of Missile Industry Day in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,” “On the Establishment of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s Education Committee as the Replacement of the Ministry of Education,” and “On Amending and Supplementing the Tidal Area Law of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” and “On Amending and Supplementing the River Law of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” – all of which were unanimously adopted. (End)