Neo-Nazi Ukrainians Execute Retreating Troops! (5.11.2023)

In just 32-years of predatory capitalism, the beauty of Soviet Socialism has been replaced with the very fascism that Joseph Stalin defeated in 1945! Perhaps there is something of the Zionist IDF about the Neo-Nazi Ukrainian brutality being demonstrated here! In the last few seconds of life the reality of the mistake these men made by choosing to fight for the Ukraine Neo-Nazis really struck home – just like the Western-supplied bullets – which followed a few seconds later!

Northants: King’s Cliffe Home Guard! (5.11.2023)

Even during the Churchill-generated hysteria of the 1950s – which saw the UK reactivate the ‘Civil Defence’ concept as part of the US anti-intellectual ‘Cold War’ propaganda – the Home Guard was never reconstructed. Churchill refused to trust a ‘Socialist’ entity that empowered the workers to put up a fight against the Soviet Union – a former ally of the UK! Much of this ‘Socialist’ history of the Home Guard is hidden behind a thin veneer of military officialdom, with such and such a ‘Battalion’, this ‘Company’, or that ‘Platoon’! The point is that Britain needed the working-class at its best during WWII and the Home Guard became a highly effective vehicle to realise this objective.

Ningxia: China’s Disabled People Strive to Achieve Self-Reliance! (5.11.2023)

The disabled community in Ningxia has garnered significant social attention for its impressive achievements in sports. During the recently concluded 4th Asian Para Games held in Hangzhou, athletes from Ningxia achieved notable success.

To nurture the artistic talents of disabled youths, the regional government has also decided to give a subsidy of 10,000 yuan to each of such individuals with abilities in singing, dance, opera and painting.

Ma Juan, a student from Xiji County in Ningxia, is a gifted painter who has received government financial assistance to attend an art school. All her family members are disabled due to a genetic disease.

“It is our responsibility to ensure she has the opportunity to pursue a career,” said Bai Xuegui, the county’s Party chief.