Veteran Star Medal: Alfred Gregory Wyles – WWII British Army Service [1940-1946]! (4.11.2023)

Although he joined the Royal Warwickshire Regiment – famous for its ‘Last Stand’ at Dunkirk – due to his ‘sharp-shooting’ ability he was soon transferred to the 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion (the ‘Light Bobs’) of the Oxford and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry (Territorial Army) where he was placed in an Anti-Tank Platoon. During D-Day, the ‘Light Bobs’ landed in the first-waves of Allied troops that hit ‘Sword Beach’. His Unit was tasked with fighting their way in-land ten-miles to Caen – where it was to relieve D Company of the Ox & Bucks Ligyt Infantry (Professional) – which had landed as ‘Glider Troops’ around midnight of June 6th, 1944. Due to these required military objectives – my grandfather trained with the Glider Troops around the Exeter Canal System – which resembled the canal system around Caen. Indeed, this association has sometimes ‘confused’ exactly what function my grandfather fulfilled due to him possessing a ‘Winged Pegasus’ badge!

BMA (UK): Examples of Anti-China Racism in Dad’s Army Scripts (1968-1977) – [31/10/23]

The second round-up was perpetuated by the incumbent Labour Party in 1946 – and is the reason a ‘Chinatown’ nolonger exists in East London. During this ‘purge’ – around 2,000 Chinese people were ‘kidnapped’ by the Police (usually ‘males’ on their way to work early in the morning) – and forcibly placed on ships bound for China. Those who had ‘White’ (English) partners were visited by the British Police and Social Workers and were told that they were ‘sexual deviants’ whose ‘mixed-race’ children will be taken away and placed into ‘Care’ – if any legal challenge was raised against this government-sponsored ethnic cleansing.