Palestine: Israel Bombs Al-Sheefa Hospital in Latest US-Inspired Atrocity! (3.11.2023)

November 3, 2023 Aftermath of Al-Sheefa Hospital Entrance being bombed by Israeli rockets!

Earlier in the day, the ministry called on the International Committee of the Red Cross to accompany a convoy of wounded people leaving from the Shifa Medical Complex to secure its passage until it reaches the south of the enclave and travel through the Rafah crossing with Egypt.

“We informed the International Committee of the Red Cross of the necessity of providing protection and safe passage for the wounded to exit, but it was unable to obtain the approval of the Israeli occupation,” the ministry said.

Israeli media reported that Israel has yet to comment on the incident but has previously stated that “the main command center of Hamas is located under the Shifa hospital.”

Meanwhile, the government media office in Gaza said that 10 Palestinians were killed in an Israeli bombing during their displacement from northern to southern Gaza on the Al-Rashid coastal road.

DPRK: One-Sided US Military Policy Toward Zionist Israel – Constitutes “War Crimes” & “Crimes Against Humanity” – Supporting the “Mass Murder” of Arabs! (3.11.2023)

On October 27th, at a Special Emergency Session of the United Nations General Assembly, a Resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire for humanitarian purposes was adopted with the approval of 120 countries, and on the 28th, an immediate ceasefire was adopted to end Israel’s War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity to protect civilians. The announcement of statements by Middle Eastern countries regarding the implementation of a US-supported “purge” of the Palestinian Freedom Fighters has led to an explosion of strong protest and anger from the International Community.

The United States’ single-minded and reckless military support policy toward Israel is a War Crime of extraordinary callousness that has resulted in the mass murder of innocent Arabs. It is the United States that should be referred to the International Criminal Court and EXPELLED from the UN Human Rights Council.

Ending the double standards preferred by the United States – which pursues arbitrary power and oppressive tyranny throughout the world – is a prerequisite for establishing a fair and just International Order.

Lebanon: Palestinian Popular Women & Prisoner Committees in Nahr al-Bared – Organize “Stand in Solidarity” Rallies with Gaza and Prisoners! (3.11.2023)

This was achieved in the presence of the Head of the Women’s Committees in Lebanon – Imtiaz Hallaq – and a number of other important women and their companions in the Women’s Committees operating in Sector A. A speech given by the Women’s Committees was given by Manal Abdel Rahim – a member of the Women’s Committees area in Al-Bared – saluted the people of Gaza for their legendary steadfastness, endurance, determination and will-power in the face of the Zionist military war machine! This is the case despite the massacres and genocide of our people, indicating that the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood is only the beginning of liberation and the establishment of the Palestinian State, with Jerusalem as its capital, and that victory is inevitably coming!

Russia: President Putin “Revokes” Russia’s Ratification of “Nuclear Test Ban” Treaty! (3.11.2023)

The Kremlin had stated earlier that Russia’s withdrawal from the treaty would not imply the restoration of nuclear tests.

Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin said Moscow had been waiting for Washington to ratify the treaty for 23 years, but the United States had demonstrated its irresponsible approach towards global security issues.

The CTBT is a multilateral agreement that bans all nuclear explosion tests conducted for peaceful or military purposes.

Cuba: Zionist Israel Joins Neo-Nazi Ukraine in Support of “Illegal” US Blockade! (3.11.2023)

He added that it is “an act of economic warfare, in times of peace,” creating a situation of ungovernability and an attempt to destroy the constitutional order.

Aurelie Flore Koumba Pambo, representative of Gabon to the UN, voiced her country’s concern over the continuing embargo.

“The scale of its impact is more and more harmful to the Cuban people,” she said during the debate, noting that the economic blockade is “clearly a hostile act to region and continental cohesion.”

She called it an “obstacle to the social and economic development of Cuba.”

Peruvian UN Ambassador Luis Ugarelli said his country “shares the view of practically the entire international community” that the embargo is against the principles of the UN Charter and international human rights law, noting Peru would support the resolution, as it has done for more than 30 years.

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