Palestine: Israel Uses US-Supplied “White Phosperous” in Latest War Crime! (20.10.2023)

Phosphorus bombs are Internationally Prohibited under the Geneva Convention of 1980, which stipulated the prohibition of the use of white phosphorus as an incendiary weapon against humans and the environment, but Israel has deployed this illegal weapon many times in the past.

The phosphorus bomb is a destructive thermal bomb. International laws prohibit its use in civilian areas. White phosphorus is its most important component, from which it took its second name, “the white bomb.” It is used in wars to cause fires with the aim of clearing enemy positions, illuminating the battlefield at night, and distinguishing targets. It is also used to cause widespread human losses through burns and breathing diificulties.

Chemistry Professor Khaled Itani – defines white phosphorus as a chemical substance made from solid phosphate. It has a waxy consistency and an unpleasant smell, somewhat similar to the smell of garlic. It is usually a translucent white color that tends to be yellow, and may take on a dark colour when deployed. He told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed: “This material is used in many industries, including military industries, to manufacture bombs with a devastating effect.”