St Mary's Church

WWII: Did Duddington Possess a Home Guard Platoon? (19.10.2023)

I keep a website dedicated to my paternal (‘Wyles’) family name – centred on the Northants village of Duddington – where my family lived for at least the last 500 years (and perhaps longer). Although my last direct relative left around 1906 – and that I live in South Greater London – we have visited Duddington around ten-times for research field trips since March 14th, 2009, and have amassed a large dossier of historical data! This can all be accessed at the above link. I am still researching whether Duddington possessed a Home Guard Platoon during WWII – and as of yet – this puzzle has NOT been solved!

Gaza: Hundreds of Martyrs Killed & Wounded in an Israeli Massacre Targeting Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital! (19.10.2023)

Palestinian media reports stated that at least 300 martyrs and 220 wounded were killed as a result of the Israeli Occupation targeting Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza without warning. It is indicated that large numbers of displaced people were gathering in and near the hospital, which explains the hundreds of broken and battered bodies lying under the rubble.

The Hamas Movement said that the horrific massacre carried out by the Zionist Occupation killed hundreds of martyrs, maimed and wounded thousands of others – most of whom were displaced families, the sick, children and women. Hamas stated that “a crime of genocide has been committed by the Neo-Nazi Zionists which once again reveals the truth about this enemy, its fascist government and its terrorism, and exposes American and Western support for this criminal fascist Occupation entity.”

Residents of Palestinian Camps in Lebanon Condemn Zionist Gaza Massacre! (19.10.2023)

He stressed that “The occupying Zionist entity was born through the shedding of innocent blood, and we are not surprised that the international community – which is premised upon terrorism – calls for democracy and human rights, but remains silent and then forgets these aspirations when it acts, so that all these principles become nothing but dried ink on dead paper. We call on peace-loving countries to make every effort to demand that the international community – and the so-called United Nations – put pressure on this Zionist entity to stop its criminal practices against our people! We also appeal to the free peoples of the world who took to the streets to denounce aggression and heinous crimes, and also the Arab peoples who must take to the streets and expel the Ambassadors of the United States, and demonstrate against the norms of this corrupt society!

Long Live Palestine!

Joint Leadership Statement of Unity: Issued by the Arab Socialist Action Party (Lebanon) & Popular Democratic Party! (19.10.2023)

Today, your minds and bodies are restrained by your Western governments which support the Zionist terrorism of Israel! They do this by confiscating your free conscience and your loud voice in the face of organized International Terrorism led by American imperialism – the Head of International Terrorism! The US influence besieges the headquarters of your governments and Parliaments! Oppose this US tyranny by raising the flags of Palestine in villages, towns and cities! Fly the Palestinian flag from balconies and let your voices sing-out in support of Palestine! The battle of the Palestinian people is a solid pillar in the battle to liberate humanity from fascism, Nazism, US hegemony, organized plunder, racial discrimination, and all the US and Isreali wars of extermination against humanity!