Eurocentric Woo-Woo and the Inverted Mythology Industry! (17.10.2023)

New Dawn then had a ‘White’ (Australian) supposed UFO expert contact me – a person who usually spouts the most outrageous nonsense to make a living – stating that I was ‘misleading’ the readership by suggesting that the Dropa Stones story was real! This is the kind of manipulative nonsense the Bourgeois publishing industry participates in nearly all the time! To circumnavigate this madness – I uploaded the published article (free) online – together with my original full-length article so that it can be read in its original context. Nowadays, of course, I have very little to do with the likes of New Dawn or Fortean Times – as I find the ‘White’, Eurocentric racism that permeates these magazines to be unpalatable – particularly coming from a Western cultures that where living in caves when most of the world was constructing vast and advanced civilisations! Ironically, without finding any extra-terrestrial stone artefacts!

Palastine: UK, US, France & Japan REJECT Russia-Brokered UN Ceasefire – Whilst Criticising Hamas for Continuing Resistance Against Zionist Fascism! (17.10.2023)

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) — The UN Security Council on Monday failed to adopt a Russian-drafted resolution that calls for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.

The draft resolution obtained five votes in favor and four against, with six abstentions.

Four countries joined Russia in voting for the resolution — China, the United Arab Emirates, Mozambique and Gabon. Four countries voted against it — the United States, Britain, France and Japan. The other six countries abstained.

To be adopted, a Security Council resolution needs at least nine votes in favor and no veto from any of the council’s five permanent members.

Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia said his delegation was deeply disappointed at the result of the vote.

“There is nothing in the (draft) resolution that can be contested because it is a purely humanitarian one. The only reason why the resolution didn’t pass was because they do not want to support anything from Russia,” he told reporters after the voting.

The Security Council has on its table another draft resolution on the same issue from Brazil. No date has been set for a vote.