Lebanon: Communist Party Calls for General Uprising! (14.10.2023)

Any genuine Communist Party free of notions of racist ‘nationalism’ or the control of deceptive ‘Trotskyism’ – will automatically support Palestine in its ongoing and heroic battle against the Western-inspired Zionist-fascism – which has inflicted countless deaths in Palestine since 1917 – and certainly from 1948! Let us not forget the UN Ambassador – Folke Bernadotte – who was shot-dead by the Zionists when he landed in Israel in 1948 to investigate the evidence the UN had received cataloguing Israeli War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity – the same crimes incidentally – that the Nazi Germans, Fascist Italians and Imperial Japanese had committed throughout the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. During WWII, Folke Bernadotte had negotiated the release of tens of thousands of Jews from Nazi Death Camps – and this is how the Zionists repaid him!

Palestine: Liberation from Zionist Fascist Occupation is Near! (14.10.2023)

Speaking to Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed, Lutfi added, “What saddens us is what is happening in Gaza in terms of the Zionist Nazi bombing, aggression, and brutal attacks on all the people of the Strip, including children and women. But the Resistance has no choice but to continue the battle, and we are of course going to achieve victory. The Resistance has not yet revealed all its cards!” anticipating that “if it opens the Northern Front – it will be the end of this Zionist Nazi entity!”

Venerable Old Master Xu Yun [虚云]: No Difference Between a Monk and a Lay-Person! (14.10.2023)

For instance, by cross-referencing the below May 1955 Dharma-Talk with the text of ‘Empty Cloud’ for that year – a more all-round picture can be built of exactly what was happening and how Master Xu Yun was reacting to it. To be clear, Master Xu Yun was adamant that an ordained Buddhist monastic must follow ALL the rules of the Vinaya Discipline and that a lay-person must follow a least five, eight or ten of the basic vows contained in the Vinaya Discipline. This is a practical distinction Master Xu Yun upheld – as he rejected the Japanese Zen tradition of monks being allowed to eat meat, drink alcohol and get married. Such individuals are ‘lay-people’ and NOT monks. This being the case, what is Master Xu Yun referring to when he states that there is ‘no difference’ between the ordained Sangha and the laity?