Laos Buddhist-Socialist Republic: Family Planning Reduces Maternal & Child Mortality! (11.10.2023)

The Public Health Department of Borikhamxay Province has implemented sanitation and health promotional work, especially in the area of reproductive health work. This policy has been active in integrating mother and childcare work by providing services at provincial hospitals, district hospitals, and small hospitals. In addition, they have been moving to the villages 6 times a year with a focus on spreading information, knowledge about reproductive health – working simultaneously to target people and relevant groups in general – with the intention of reducing the death rate of mothers and children every year.

Israeli TV: How Zionist Children Are Taught to View Jesus Christ! (11.10.2023)

When I visited Golders Green in North London, I was sat in a cinema with an Asian (Indian-Hindu) friend from Finchley – and we were surrounded by kipper-wearing Jewish youths who spent their time telling one another anti-British (racist) and anti-Christian jokes – with Jesus being denigrated at every turn. This was near the time that the Jewish community in London wanted ‘Jewish Only’ areas within which NO non-Jews (Goyim) could enter – demarked by lampposts painted a distinct colour. Not long after this – a Zionist school in the UK was found ‘Guilty’ of breaking the UK’s non-discrimination laws regarding how children from different ethnic backgrounds are treated by those who do not share their origin or upbringing.

DPRK: Canada is Foolishly Fanning the Flames! (11.10.2023)

Finding infinite satisfaction and relief in blindly following one’s master without any wise opinions is a natural result for Canadians.

It is no coincidence that the international community unanimously evaluates Canada’s active efforts for peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region as nothing more than an attempt to prove its loyalty to the United States.

If Canada continues to act like a servant of the United States – it will only have the reputation of being the “51st state” of the United States like the “Republic of Korea.”

Canada must be fully aware that countries in the Asia-Pacific region are keeping a close eye on its reckless actions, and must put an end to its pointless actions that harm its own interests.

Palestine: Zionist Aggression Escalates! (11.10.2023)

Earlier tonight, a number of citizens, including children, were martyred and others were injured in several raids launched by Zionist warplanes that targeted several homes in the cities of Rafah and Gaza. The Zionist Occupation aircraft targeted a house in the town of Beit Lahia with several missiles, in addition to the Al-Atatra area, west of Beit Lahia, and bombed a house in the town of Al-Qarara, south of the Gaza Strip.

The Zionist Occupation forces launched several raids on the vicinity of the Karama area in Gaza, and targeted a house in the Musabah area, north of Rafah, and another on the city of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, and in the vicinity of the Martyrs Mosque, east of the Shujaiya neighbourhood.